Agenda item

"How Did We Do?" - Sheffield's Local Account of Adult Social Services 2014

Report of Laraine Manley, Interim Executive Director, Communities



The Committee received a report of the Interim Executive Director, Communities, which provided an overview of the initial structure proposals for the 2014 Local Account of Adult Social Care Services and gave the Committee an opportunity to review the 2013 Account in order to provide a steer for the direction of the 2014 Local Account.




In attendance for this item were Howard Middleton, Development Manager, Communities, and Chris Blackburn, Development Officer, Communities.




Members made various comments and asked a number of questions, to which responses were provided as follows:-




·                Officers noted the comments made by the HealthWatch Sheffield representative relating to presentational issues, the direct payment service, contact with users, self-directed support, the time taken for financial assessments and the Sheffield Dignity Code and indicated that a written response would be provided.




·                Performance management was undertaken through the individual Cabinet Member with quarterly reporting to the Executive Management Team and regional monitoring through the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services.




·                The annual survey of service users was undertaken using a random sample of such users.




·                Officers were not aware of any instances where financial assessment teams were undertaking non-financial assessments.




·                Work was being undertaken on the provision of access to information and advice about care and support and it was accepted that reliance should not be placed purely on website based information.




·                Priorities were arrived at using common measures which applied across the country, with the focus being on areas which were seen to be not doing well.  In addition, priorities may be affected by feedback and instances where new issues came to light.




RESOLVED: That the Committee:-




(a)       thanks Howard Middleton and Chris Blackburn for their         contribution to the meeting;




(b)       notes the contents of the report and the responses to questions;      and




(c)        requests that:-


(i)          a response be provided to the issues raised by the HealthWatch, Sheffield representative;


(ii)         the Adult Social Care Services’ Local Account includes the amounts spent set against the amounts budgeted; and


(iii)       consideration be given as to how people obtain the information and advice about care and support so as not to place over-reliance on the use of the Council website.


Supporting documents: