Agenda item

Proposed Closure of Footpaths at Greenland Drive and Greenland Court, Darnall

Report of the Director of Regeneration and Development Services



The Director of Regeneration and Development Services submitted a report seeking authority to process the Highway Stopping-Up Order required to close public footpaths at Greenland Drive and Greenland Court in the Darnall area of Sheffield.




The report stated that the City Council’s Home Improvement Team had made an application requesting the closure of the footpaths shown by hatching on the plan included in the report as Appendix A.




Several of the subject footpaths had been gated for a period in excess of eight years. No complaints from the general public were received during this time.




Full planning permission (Case No. 14/00932/FUL) for the installation of a replacement door entry system crossing the subject paths was granted on 17th April 2014. Therefore, there was now a need to legally close the paths using the powers contained in Section 118 of the Highways Act 1980, in order to regularise the situation with the paths which had already been gated and to facilitate the closure of those now additionally proposed to have gates.




Two of the subject paths were currently not gated, though given that the nature of these routes was to serve as access to stairwells and residents homes it was considered that they were not necessary for use as through routes by the general public.




RESOLVED: That: (a) no objections be raised to the proposed formal closure of the footpaths shown hatched on the plan in the report as Appendix A, subject to satisfactory arrangements being made with Statutory Undertakers in connection with any of their mains and services that may be affected; and




(b) the Committee delegates authority to the Director of Legal Services to:-





take all necessary action to close the footpaths shown on the plan included as Appendix A in the report under the powers contained within Section 118 of the Highways Act 1980;






confirm the Order as an Unopposed Order, in the event of no objections being received or any objections received being resolved; and






submit the Order to the Secretary of State for confirmation, in the event that objections are received which cannot be resolved.


Supporting documents: