Agenda item

Update on Scrutiny Work Programmes

Report of the Head of Elections, Equalities and Involvement



The Head of Elections, Equalities and Involvement submitted a report outlining the current work programmes of all the Scrutiny Committees.




Emily Standbrook-Shaw, Policy and Improvement Officer, presented the report and asked the Committee to identify any further opportunities for joint working or issues that should be picked up by a specific Committee.




Members then made a number of comments as follows:-




·      The Chair commented that he had requested that the work programmes be submitted to this Committee in response to suggestions that this Committee may want to consider managing the work programmes of the Scrutiny Committees. He did not believe that this was the role of this Committee and an gaining an overview of the work programmes and identifying opportunities for joint working was the way forward.




·      Good examples of joint working between Committees had already taken place and opportunities for this would continue to be examined in the future.




RESOLVED: That the work programmes for the Scrutiny Committees, now submitted, be noted.


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