Agenda item

Commissioning Strategy for Services for People with a Learning Disability and their Families

Report of the Executive Director, Communities



The Executive Director, Communities submitted a report in relation to a Commissioning Strategy for services for people with a learning disability and their families.




RESOLVED: That Cabinet:-





approves the Learning Disabilities Commissioning Strategy attached as an appendix to the report as a statement of the Council’s vision for the development of care and support services to adults with a learning disability and their families;






delegates authority to the Director of Commissioning to develop the commissioning plans that take forward the intentions and approach set out in the strategy;






authorises officers to ensure an integrated, whole system approach towards people with a learning disability;






delegates authority to the Director of Commissioning to take a joint or integrated commissioning approach with the Children, Young People and Families Portfolio (CYPF) and the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG); and






notes that implementation of commissioning plans and joint or integrated commissioning approaches will be reported for approval in accordance with the Leader’s Scheme of Delegation.





Reasons for Decision




To enable the Council to set a clear vision for development of services for people with a learning disability in Sheffield. It will provide:

·         The medium to long term context for detailed commissioning plans.

·         A clear statement of direction to key strategic partners to inform joint and integrated approaches.

·         A clear statement of direction to service providers in Sheffield to help inform their own business planning.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




We face a range of opportunities and challenges both in the present and future. To do nothing is not an option. We require a clear Commissioning Strategy to inform our plans, to manage change sensitively and effectively, and to provide a firm foundation for partnership working.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration








Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Laraine Manley, Executive Director, Communities




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




Healthier Communities and Adult Social Care




The Executive Director, Communities submitted a report in relation to a Commissioning Strategy for services for people with a learning disability and their families.




RESOLVED: That Cabinet:-





approves the Learning Disabilities Commissioning Strategy attached as an appendix to the report as a statement of the Council’s vision for the development of care and support services to adults with a learning disability and their families;






delegates authority to the Director of Commissioning to develop the commissioning plans that take forward the intentions and approach set out in the strategy;






authorises officers to ensure an integrated, whole system approach towards people with a learning disability;






delegates authority to the Director of Commissioning to take a joint or integrated commissioning approach with the Children, Young People and Families Portfolio (CYPF) and the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG); and






notes that implementation of commissioning plans and joint or integrated commissioning approaches will be reported for approval in accordance with the Leader’s Scheme of Delegation.





Reasons for Decision




To enable the Council to set a clear vision for development of services for people with a learning disability in Sheffield. It will provide:

·         The medium to long term context for detailed commissioning plans.

·         A clear statement of direction to key strategic partners to inform joint and integrated approaches.

·         A clear statement of direction to service providers in Sheffield to help inform their own business planning.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




We face a range of opportunities and challenges both in the present and future. To do nothing is not an option. We require a clear Commissioning Strategy to inform our plans, to manage change sensitively and effectively, and to provide a firm foundation for partnership working.




Supporting documents: