Agenda item

Applications Under Various Acts/Regulations

Report of the Director of Regeneration and Development Services




RESOLVED: That (a) the applications now submitted for permission to develop land under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and the Regulations made thereunder and for consent under the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regulations 1989, be decided, granted or refused as stated in the report to this Committee for this date in respect of Case Nos. 14/03379/FUL and 14/03331/FUL, and other applications considered be amended as in the minutes of this meeting, and the requisite notices issued; the granting of any permission or consent shall not constitute approval, permission or consent by this Committee or the Council for any other purpose;




(b) following consideration of an additional representation, as outlined in a supplementary report circulated at the meeting, and following consideration of representations from the agent for the applicant in favour of the application, an application for planning permission for extension of opening hours until 03:30 every day - application to vary condition 2 (opening hours) of planning permission no. 98/00186/FUL (use of ground floor as café/takeaway) at Oasis Pizza, 204 Whitham Road (Case No. 14/03284/FUL) be granted, conditionally;




(c) following consideration of additional representations, and, subject to an amendment to condition 6 to read ‘No goods, materials or apparatus for the movement and handling of goods, of any description, shall be stored or displayed wholly or partly outside the building within the site of the development,’ as outlined in a supplementary report circulated at the meeting, and following consideration of representations from the Chair of Carterknowle and Millhouses Community Group, two local residents and a local Ward Councillor opposing the application, and, notwithstanding the officer’s recommendation, an application for planning permission for demolition of existing building, erection of a new convenience store with 3 x 2 bed apartments above including garages at lower ground floor level and external terrace areas to the first floor and roof area at Carterknowle Food and Wine, 264 Carterknowle Road (Case No. 14/01453/FUL) be refused as the Committee considered that the development would create additional problems in respect of on street parking and servicing and have a detrimental impact on pedestrian and road safety which was contrary to Policy H14(d) of the Unitary Development Plan;




(d) following consideration of additional representations, as outlined in a supplementary report circulated at the meeting, representations from a local resident opposing the application and the agent for the applicant in favour of the application, and, notwithstanding the officer’s recommendation, consideration of an application for retrospective planning permission for the retention and re-positioning of existing refrigeration unit to rear elevation and encasement in sound reduction enclosure (amended description) (as per amended drawings received on 7 August 2014 and 4 September 2014) at Village News, 176-178 Main Street, Grenoside be deferred pending additional advice from the Environmental Protection Service on appropriate noise levels and what constituted statutory noise nuisance; and




(e) following consideration of additional representations and the inclusion of an additional plan in the list of approved documents, as outlined in a supplementary report circulated at the meeting, representations from a local Ward Councillor and three local residents opposing the application and the applicant’s agent in favour of the application, and, notwithstanding the officers recommendation, an application for planning permission for the demolition of existing building and erection of 4 dwellinghouses (as per amended drawings received 19 August 2014) at site of Clear Line Creevela Works, Parsonage Street (Case No. 14/00831/FUL) be refused as the Committee considered that the development would have a detrimental impact on parking and road safety in the area and would therefore be contrary to Policy H14(d) of the Unitary Development Plan.




(Note. An application for planning permission for change of use to increase opening hours of café to between 0800 hours and 1800 hours (Monday to Friday) and between 0900 hours and 1600 hours (Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays) and for the retention of 2 Microwave Ovens, 1 Safety Fat Fryer and 1 Griddle to be used in the café (application under Section 73 to vary condition 3 (hours of use) and condition 6 (cooking equipment) as per planning permission 13/02171/CHU – use of dwellinghouse as a restaurant/café (class A3) on the Ground Floor with a flat at first floor level (amended description) at Village News, 176-178 Main Street, Grenoside (Case No. 14/01031/CHU) was withdrawn from consideration at the meeting pending further discussions with interested parties.                                                   
























Supporting documents: