Agenda item

Work Programme 2014/15

Report of the Policy and Improvement Officer



The Policy and Improvement Officer, Diane Owens, submitted a paper containing the Committee’s draft Work Programme 2014/15.




Ms Owens made reference to a training session open to Members of the Committee, which was to be held on 24th November 2014, from 1.30 pm to 4.00 pm in the Town Hall.  The training was on Questioning and Listening skills, and would provide Members with information and advice which should be useful as part of the scrutiny process.




RESOLVED: That the Committee:-




(a)       notes the draft Work Programme 2014/15; and




(b)       requests:-




(i)        the Policy and Improvement Officer to identify a meeting or other suitable time when the newly appointed Police and Crime Commissioner, Dr Alan Billings, could attend to report on his response to the issue of Child Sexual Exploitation and other areas of work linked to the role of this Committee; and


(ii)      Members inform the Policy and Improvement Officer if they wish to attend the training session on Questioning and Listening skills.




Supporting documents: