Agenda item

Public Questions and Petitions

To receive any questions or petitions from members of the public



Val Binney referred to the assessment of Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) services in Sheffield, offering her congratulations to the Council in respect of the positive report, but indicated that there was no mention of ongoing monitoring of the Council’s CSE policies and procedures as routine work, which had been noted as one of the key weak links following the recent enquiry in Rotherham. 




Dr Kathryn Houghton, Safer Outlook Consulting Ltd., and author of the report now submitted, stated that, as part of the assessment, the Local Authority had clearly recognised the need to continually update its policies and procedures in relation to its CSE services.  It had also been recognised that new policies would always be introduced, which would also need to be monitored and updated.  It had been identified that there was a need to be careful in terms of designing policies and procedures in this regard as child sexual exploitation was only one aspect of the Council’s Safeguarding Children services.  As part of the assessment, there had been evidence of new quality assurance processes, thematic audits on child sexual exploitation and practitioners having reflective practice of children’s experiences.