Agenda item

Better Care Fund- Update

Joint report of Tim Furness, Director of Business Planning and Partnerships, NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group and Joe Fowler, Director of Commissioning, Communities, Sheffield City Council



The Committee received a joint report of the Director of Business Planning and Partnerships, NHS Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), and the Director of Commissioning, Sheffield City Council, which provided an update on the Better Care Fund which had previously been presented to the Sheffield Health and Wellbeing Board.  The report was presented by Joe Fowler, Director of Commissioning, Sheffield City Council, who explained that the Sheffield CCG and the Sheffield City Council had agreed to establish a pooled budget in 2015/16 to cover four key areas of work which were Keeping People Well in their Community, Independent Living Solutions, Active Support and Recovery and Long Term High Support.




Members made various comments and asked a number of questions, to which responses were provided as follows:




·                In relation to the Keeping People Well in their Community workstream, some pilot schemes in the City had revealed that some GPs had been helpful and facilitated links with the voluntary sector, whilst in some areas Support Workers had been put in place.




·                Consideration was being given to using local partnerships to help deliver outcomes, whilst the Equipment and Adaptations Service was sourced nationally as it lent itself to bigger providers.




·                Right First Time was being considered in relation to Active Support and Recovery and Citizens' Reference Groups were being used.




·                Sheffield had escaped the increases in Accident and Emergency (A&E) admissions experienced in other areas, but information was going out in this regard.  It should be noted that some A&E admissions were avoidable and there were cultural issues involved.  Of those presenting to A&E, 37% were subsequently admitted to hospital.




·                Of the £1m secured from the Transformation Challenge Award, £100,000 had been allocated for evaluation and £70/80,000 for community activities.  The bulk of this funding would be spent on ground support, workers who would work with local organisations and partnerships with the aim being to visit 9,000 people over a 12 month period.




·                Vulnerable people had mainly been identified through GPs, but training had also been given to people such as bar staff and hairdressers.  Support Workers had also assisted in the training of Housing+ officers.




RESOLVED: That the Committee:-




(a)       thanks Joe Fowler for this contribution to the meeting; and




(b)       notes the contents of the report and the responses to questions.


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