Agenda item

Input to Care Quality Commission 2015 Inspection Programme

Report of the Head of Elections, Equalities and Involvement



The Committee received a report of the Head of Elections, Equalities and Involvement which drew its attention to a request from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) for input into its Inspection Programme for 2015.  The report was presented by the Policy and Improvement Officer who explained that the only publicly announced inspection affecting the Sheffield area would be of the Yorkshire Ambulance Service, but other unannounced inspections could take place of Adult Social Care Services, Dentists and NHS GP Practices.




RESOLVED: That the Committee:-




(a)       notes the contents of the report and the attached letter;




(b)       notes that Healthwatch were undertaking work in relation to the Yorkshire Ambulance Service and would provide input in this regard; and




(c)        requests that the Policy and Improvement Officer:-




(i)        circulates details of the Care Quality Commission’s request to all Councillors, with any responses being sent to her for co-ordination; and


(ii)      makes reference, in the response to the Care Quality Commission, to the concerns expressed by the Committee in relation to GP Practices having appropriate conversations with patients about End of Life Care.


Supporting documents: