Issue - decisions

Decision on Upperthorpe Permit Scheme (Previously Considered December 2012)

13/02/2014 - Permit Parking Scheme - Upperthorpe


The Executive Director, Place submitted a report seeking a decision as to whether or not to implement in whole or part the Upperthorpe permit parking scheme as advertised in March 2012 and considered previously by the Cabinet Highways Committee in December 2012.









the proposals be implemented in Area C, on Dover Street, on Ellison Street and on Neverthorpe Street as advertised, with the following relaxations:


·         No additional restrictions are to be implemented on Finlay Street; and

·         All of the time-limited shared use bays on Fawcett Street are to have a four hour time limit, as opposed to the two hour limit advertised.






the objectors and affected local residents be informed accordingly.





Reasons for Decision




Ward Councillors have canvassed local opinion, and based on this support the introduction of new permit parking restrictions in Area C, on Dover Street, on Ellison Street and on Netherthorpe Street only. Other existing restrictions in the area would remain as existing.




Officers have considered the degree of support for the proposals and the content of each comment received and considered modifications to the scheme design as required.




Introduction of a permit parking scheme in the area contributes to the Council’s policy of completing the peripheral parking zones around the City Centre, so as to improve access to local premises and to manage demand for car travel into and around the City Centre.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Officers have considered the degree of support for the proposals and the content of each comment received and considered modifications to the scheme design as required.




It is proposed that the scheme will be reviewed once it has been fully operational for a period of six months.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration








Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Simon Green, Executive Director, Place




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




Economic and Environmental Wellbeing