Issue - decisions

University of Sheffield Campus - Phase 1, Outcome of Consultation on Traffic Regulation Orders Proposed Highway Works

31/07/2015 - University of Sheffield Campus Masterplan - Result of Consultation


The Executive Director, Place submitted a report describing the proposals, the traffic orders advertised, together with the responses received to the consultation in relation to the University of Sheffield Campus Masterplan. The report sought approval to the project and the promoted Traffic Orders.




Cabinet, in confirming its in principle support for the University of Sheffield Campus Phase 1 Scheme at its meeting held on 18 March 2015, had delegated authority to the Cabinet Highways Committee to consider the results of the public consultation exercise, and having done so, if the Committee were of the view that the Scheme would be of benefit to the public and that it had been possible to overcome any valid objections, to confirm the Council’s final approval for the Scheme to be implemented.




RESOLVED: That Cabinet Highways Committee:-





notes the comments and objections to the proposals and advertised Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs)






confirms that the scheme (as amended) will be of benefit to the public;






approves the amended scheme for design and implementation, subject to further officer approval of details;






approves the TRO’s, as amended by the proposals shown in Appendix D of the report, in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and the Local Authorities Traffic Orders (Procedure) (England and Wales) Regulations 1996;






approves the promotion of a new Traffic Order to facilitate delivery of the amended proposals;






thanks all those who responded to the consultation, and requests officers to inform them of the decisions; and






instructs officers to work with the local community to resolve their issues.





Reasons for Decision




These changes are proposed to improve the public realm and enhance the environment. In addition to this, the proposals will also enable the area to become safer for the increased number of students as a result of the New Engineering Building known as the Diamond Building.




The proposals will also improve existing pedestrian facilities along Western Bank, by relocating one pedestrian crossing point and providing a new crossing point, and on Upper Hanover Street by relocating and improving crossing points. In addition to the above, a number of roads in the area of the campus are proposed to be restricted to vehicular traffic either permanently or with only access for part of the day or with one way movement only. The closure of Leavygreave Road East, in particular, to vehicular traffic will result in the diversion of two bus services (52/95).




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




The current volume of pedestrians crossing both Upper Hanover Road and Western Bank indicates that it is highly desirable that changes have to be made. Doing nothing is not considered an option.




The rerouting of buses to Clarkson Street is considered necessary by the bus operators. Rerouting all services permanently to Mappin Street was considered, but the geometry is not appropriate for high frequency bus services and this moves stops further from the heart of the campus.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration








Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Simon Green, Executive Director, Place




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




Economic and Environmental Wellbeing