That the Cabinet Member for Business and Economy:-
(i) agrees that Sheffield City Council through Creative Sheffield will act as Accountable Body for the SCR Enhanced Growth Hub Project;
(ii) authorises the Council to enter into a funding agreement with the DCLG for a grant of up to £2,738,946 which also requires delivery partners and the private sector to provide match funding of up to £2,233,147 giving a total project spend of up to £4,972,123 from April 2016 to March 2019;
(iii) authorises Sheffield City Council to pay the relevant levels of grant to Delivery Partners and SME’s; and
(iv) delegates Authority to the Director of Creative Sheffield:-
- in consultation with the Director of Finance and Resources to agree the terms and sign off any variations to the above funding agreement;
- in consultation with the Director of Legal and Governance to sign Service Level Agreements with the Delivery Partners of the project;
- in consultation with the Director for Legal and Governance to sign contracts with business applicants of the grant scheme;