Issue - decisions

Making it Count: DPH Report for Sheffield 2016

23/09/2016 - A Matter of Life and Healthy Life - Director of Public Health Report for Sheffield 2016


The Director of Public Health submitted his annual report. Directors of Public Health have a statutory duty to produce an annual report on the health of the local population and to make recommendations as to how local health may be improved. This year’s report makes four such recommendations, three of which are addressed to the Council (among others). The report is due to be presented to full Council on 5th October 2016 and Cabinet is asked to seek any clarification on the topics, issues and recommendations raised in it.




RESOLVED: That Cabinet endorses the recommendations within the annual report, that:-





The Health and Wellbeing Board should take forward a series of learning events / appreciative enquiry on different approaches to health and wellbeing to explore what optimising “health and wellbeing” could look like in a number of key policy areas.






The Council and other stakeholders, as part of Public Sector Reform, should consider a healthy population and minimising health inequalities as a core infrastructure investment for a prosperous economy.






The Council and the CCG should explore thedevelopment of a ‘Heart of Sheffield’ structural model to coordinate and shape a policy approach to improving living well options (such as increasing physical activity and reducing smoking) in the City.






The Council and the CCG should develop a joint neighbourhood delivery system with a broad model of primary care as the main delivery mechanism for services.





Reasons for Decision




It is good practice for DPH reports to contain recommendations aimed at improving the health of the local population, addressed to a number of partners and stakeholders as required.




In addition it should also report on progress made on the recommendations from the previous year’s report. Appendix A to this paper provides a progress report on the three DPH report recommendations from 2015.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




There were no alternative options presented in the report.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration








Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Greg Fell, Director of Public Health




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




Healthier Communities and Adult Social Care