Issue - decisions

Housing Infrastructure Fund Business Case Submission to Homes England / MHCLG

22/03/2019 - Housing Infrastructure Fund Business Case Submission to Homes England / MHCLG

That the Leader:


1.         Endorses Sheffield City Council’s commitment to enabling and accelerating new housing in the target area for this funding request, to improve the diversity of house types, property tenures and quality of homes available in the city.


2.         Approves the proposal to apply for HIF funding of up to £56m in conjunction with Sheffield City Region for this project as outlined in this report.


3.         To note that if the HIF bid is successful a further report will be brought forward to approve the acceptance of the funding, once the terms and overall project structure have been confirmed.


4.         Approves the procurement strategy for the highways and flood feasibility works as detailed at section 8 of this report.


5.         Approves the procurement strategy for the highways surveys as detailed at section 7.2.4 of this report being carried out by Amey in accordance with Schedule 7 of the existing Highways PFI contract.


6.         Delegates the contract awards relating to recommendations 4 and 5 to the Director of Finance & Commercial Services.


7.         Approves the Council funding required for the bid preparation, development and design work and bid submission as detailed in section 7.2.2 of this report.


8.         Notes the Financial Implications of this proposal as set out in Section [7] of this report.