Issue - decisions

Council Housing Stock Increase Programme

14/10/2019 - Council Housing Stock Increase Programme

That the Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods and Community Safety:-


(i) notes the progress of the HRA funded Stock Increase Programme since its approval in 2014 and approves the principle of increasing delivery from 1,600 to around 3,100 new homes over the next 10 years (which if necessary may include the purchase of land for the purpose of the delivery of new council homes) subject to individual business cases and the Council’s Capital Approval Processes;


(ii) agrees that proposals be developed for shared ownership homes to improve housing choice in some areas and notes that appropriate policies for the management of this tenure will be the subject of a further executive decision; and


(iii) approves that the HRA Stock Increase Programme is reviewed annually to ensure that any additional prudential borrowing is at a level that poses no additional risk to the 30 year HRA Business Plan as the programme increases the number of new homes provided.