(a) To apply a flat rate increase to the cost-of-living allowance of everyone currently impacted by the Minimum Income Guarantee in 2021/22 as set out in the report.
(b) To uplift the cost of living each year, using the same methodology, but with a review after either three uplifts or when the Government uplifts the Minimum Income Guarantee, whichever is first.
(c) To make specific changes to the Council’s Fairer Contributions Policy as follows:
(i) All references of ‘Minimum Income Guarantee’ to be replaced with ‘cost of living allowance’; and
(ii) Paragraph 6.12.1 to be deleted and replaced with the following:-
“People will retain an allowance to cover the cost of living independently and this will be no less than the statutory Minimum Income Guarantee. This cost-of-living allowance will be uplifted each year with a budget for increases linked to pension and benefit increases. Where additional amounts for the cost of living are required (for example as a result of the service user being a carer, disabled, or having dependent children) additional allowances will be given as per the Care Act and accompanying regulations.”
(d) To delegate to the Executive Director of People Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care, the final amount of the uplift each year based on the methodology set out in the report.