Issue - decisions

Delivering for our Communities

15/06/2021 - Delivering for our Communities - Developing a 1 Year Plan for Sheffield's Recovery


To deliver the Co-operative Executive’s commitments and establish focus and purpose for the year ahead, it is proposed that a one-year recovery plan is developed by the Co-operative Executive for the 2021-22 municipal year, with a final draft to be presented to the Executive for consideration at its meeting on 21st July. 


The one-year plan will also:

·       recognise the critical importance of excellent core services, setting out actions to drive rapid improvements in SCC services where customers and residents have told us that we are not meeting their expectations

·       support the city’s recovery, complementing the proposals set out in the Sheffield Covid-19 Business Recovery Plan: Phase 1 Recovery Delivery Programme

·       create the vital foundations for a longer-term corporate plan and priority-based budget for future years, with work proposed to start on a new 3-5 year plan this summer

·       include clear actions that will ensure that Sheffield City Council is in the best possible position to deliver the administration’s priorities and be effective in working alongside communities and partners to build a more sustainable, inventive, and socially just Sheffield.  As an employer and leader in the city, we need to aspire to be an outstanding organisation; a council that all Elected Members, staff and citizens can be proud of.




RESOLVED: That the Co-operative Executive:-


1.    Recognises the huge efforts that the whole city has made to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic;


2.    Offers thanks to citizens, communities and everyone in the public, voluntary, community, faith and private sectors who have and will continue to support the city through the pandemic;


3.    Urges everyone eligible to get vaccinated with their first and second jabs and continue to make good choices as the Covid-19 restrictions ease;


4.    Agrees that Sheffield City Council needs to set out a plan for the year ahead to co-ordinate our recovery from Covid-19, deliver the administration’s priorities and create robust foundations upon which to build a fair, sustainable future for the city;


5.    Agrees to receive a draft 1 year recovery plan for approval at the Cabinet meeting on 21st July 2021;


6.    Agrees that planning work should commence on the production of a longer-term (3-5 year) Corporate Plan and priority-based budget for municipal year 2022/23 onwards and that this should be subject to further reports to the Co-operative Executive and relevant Transition Committees; and


7.    Notes the plan will include priority actions to build the capability of the organisation and deliver ‘a council to be proud of’.




Reasons for Decision




The recommendations recognise that the Covid-19 pandemic has seen an unprecedented collaborative response from communities and public, private, and VCF sector partners in the city. The coming year is a pivotal moment for the city and the recommendations reflect the ambitions of the Co-operative Executive to deliver an immediate plan to support the city’s recovery and ensure that SCC is well-placed to respond to the ambitions and expectations of all our communities.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




1.    Developing a longer term plan this year – this would have the advantage of bringing longer-term focus for the organisation but as we begin to recover from Covid-19, there is an immediate need to have a deliverable plan this year, working with the Co-operative Executive to deliver the priorities set out in the Co-operative Agreement.  Further, the governance transition to a Modern Committee System from May 2022 ensures that having a shorter-term plan for this year will enable us to focus on the necessary in-year steps to support the organisation’s transition.




2.    Do nothing – doing nothing is not a viable option. To support the city’s recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic, Sheffield City Council needs to be focused on using its capacity to deliver the Co-operative Executive’s priorities for the city and enabling our committed employees achieving the best outcomes for all our communities.



Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted





Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration





Respective Director Responsible for Implementation


Chief Executive



Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In


Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee