Issue - decisions

10 Point Plan for Addressing Climate Change

18/03/2022 - 10 Point Plan for Addressing Climate Change


The report set out Sheffield City Council’s 10 Point Plan for Climate Action.


The 10 Point Plan provided a framework for action on climate change, describing the approach the Council will take to addressing climate change to support our transition to net zero, and the practical steps that will be taken and actions to be delivered in the short term.




RESOLVED: That Co-operative Executive:-



  1. Notes the actions already taken by the Council as outlined in the report;


  1. Agrees that significant action is required in order to reduce net carbon emissions across the City;


  1. Endorses the 10 Point Plan for Climate Action as being the framework by which the Council will address net carbon reduction; and


  1. Notes that regular progress updates on the delivery of the commitments in the 10 Point Plan will be brought back before elected members.




Reasons for Decision




The recommended approach was chosen because it was felt that the need to act at pace meant that delivering a framework for action initially would enable greater progress to be made on agreed projects and actions whilst work continued on more substantive actions.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




This plan fulfils a commitment previously made at Co-operative Executive to deliver the recommendations of the Pathways to Decarbonisation Reports (sometimes referred to as the Arup report), so not delivering a plan was not considered. Developing more detailed plans for all of the priority areas prior to publication of the plan, or committing to significant but currently unfunded actions was also considered. Taking this option would have meant that the framework would not be published or action agreed for some considerable time, and detailed plans would be likely to fast become out of date.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration








Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Executive Director, Place




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee