Issue - decisions

Gambling Act 2005 - Statement of Principles (Policy) Approval Report

23/11/2021 - Gambling Act 2005 - Statement of Principles (Policy) Approval Report


The report set out the details of the revised Statement of Principles (Policy) to be published under the Gambling Act 2005 and details of the consultation process that had been undertaken. The report also sought approval on the final version of the Statement of Principles (policy) and for it to be referred to Full Council.




RESOLVED: That Co-operative Executive:-



Approve the Statement of Principles (Policy) for referral to Full Council on the 1st December 2021.




Reasons for Decision




To ensure compliance with the Council’s statutory requirements set out in the 2005 Act and associated regulations and guidance to have the policy approved by Full Council and published in time for the Statement of Principles to be in effect in January 2022.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




No further alternative options were considered.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted




Councillor Paul Wood declared a personal interest in Agenda Item No. 11 – Gambling Act 2005 – Statement of Principles (Policy) Approval Report as he had business involvement with the casinos in the city.  Councillor Wood took no part in the discussion or voting thereon.




Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration








Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Interim Executive Director, Place




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee


NOTE: This is subject to approval at Full Council at its meeting to be held on 1

December 2021 and is not subject to call-in.