Note the ending in 2024 of the arrangements with Sheffield City
Trust around the Major Sporting Facilities (Arena, Ponds Forge and
Hillsborough Leisure Centre);
Approve the investment in our Leisure and Entertainment facilities
to deliver a balanced and sustainable portfolio of facilities which
support the needs of our communities alongside elite sport and
events (Investment in the facilities);
Note this gives an opportunity for the Council to review how
leisure and entertainment services are delivered in Sheffield and
approve the strategy of a Council commissioned (but market driven)
approach to appointing an external partner, as outlined in this
report (Who runs the facilities);
Delegate authority to the Director of Culture in consultation with
the Leader of the Council, the Director of Finance and Commercial
Services and the Director of Legal and Governance to approve
procurement strategies to deliver the strategy and to award any
associated contracts;
Note phased delivery of this strategy will be approved via the
Council’s capital programme;
Note the programme of public consultation to inform the investment
in facilities at a local level;
Note work will begin to address backlog maintenance issues at the
following facilities:
a. Ponds Forge International Sports Centre
b. English Institute of Sport Sheffield (EISS)
c. Ice Sheffield
d. Heeley Pool and Gym
e. Beauchief, Birley and Tinsley
Golf Courses
f. Sheffield Arena
g. Sheffield City Hall;
Note that backlog maintenance will also be addressed at
Upperthorpe Healthy Living Centre which
is currently run by Zest;
Note work will be undertaken on creating a lifecycle maintenance
investment fund for Leisure and Entertainment facilities;
10. Note the
implications in (the closed) Appendix 1 and that further work will
be done to inform how that can be progressed.