That the Leader of the Council:
- Approve the continuation of the
Refinance process and dialogue with existing and potential new
funders in order to determine the optimal route in terms of
maximising savings and mitigating risks and subsequently take
forward the preferred option;
- Approve the ongoing dialogue with
the DfT throughout the refinance
process and to submit a business case seeking DfT/HMT approval to complete the refinance, which
includes agreeing the optimal process for funding the DfT’s share of the refinance savings;
- Approve the funding of any abortive
project costs of the Refinance from the Streets Ahead contingency;
- Delegates authority
to the Executive Director of Resources to:
monitor the progress made by Council officers in
determining the optimal refinancing option and approve (if
appropriate) the recommended option; and
review and authorise the submission of a business
case to the DfT/ HMT including the
methodology for funding the DfT’s
share of the refinancing savings; and
complete the refinance of the Contract subject to
the approval of commercially acceptable terms by the Director of
Legal and Governance
- Delegates authority
to the Director of Legal and Governance to process the High Value
Changes under a Deed of Variation; and
- Where no existing
authority exists, delegates authority to the Executive Director of
Resources, in consultation with the Director of Legal and
Governance to take such steps to meet the aims and objectives of
the report.