Issue - decisions

Stocksbridge Town's Fund Programme Update

18/03/2022 - Stocksbridge Town's Fund Programme Update


The report updated the Co-operative Executive on the Stocksbridge Town Deal ahead of the submission of Business Cases to the Department for Levelling Up, which would trigger the drawdown of the £24.1m funding.  The report also sought approval to progress negotiations regarding the acquisition of the properties and all other interests needed to assemble the required development site and for the Co-operative Executive to in principle agree to the possibility that if the properties and interests cannot be acquired by negotiation then the Council, as a last resort, would use the Council’s Compulsory Purchase Order powers.




RESOLVED: That Co-operative Executive:-



1.    Notes that the Council has been successful in being awarded in principle £24.1m from MHCLG and will shortly be submitted Business Cases to Government to draw down the allocated funding to deliver the investment programme;


2.    Delegates authority to the Chief Property Officer in consultation with the Executive Member for Finance and Resources, the Executive Director of Resources and the Director of Legal and Governance to enter negotiations to acquire all property interests and for the Director of Legal and Governance to draft and complete all necessary legal documentation to complete these transactions; and


3.    Agrees in principle to the possibility that should any of the properties or interests required to assemble the development site not be acquired by negotiation then the Council be able to use its Compulsory Purchase Order powers as a last resort. 




Reasons for Decision




The Stocksbridge Town Deal provides a major opportunity to fund significant interventions to address current and future issues and challenges within the Town. The requirement on the Council to accept and manage the potential revenue implications of developing the new Library and Community Hub, and the ability to use CPO powers as a last resort, if negotiations cannot be concluded, are essential to deliver £24.1m investment programme in Stocksbridge.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Do nothing – we could choose not to progress the work to submit Business Cases to secure the Towns Deal. This would be a missed opportunity to regenerate one of City’s neighbourhoods. Fundamentally this is a once in a generation opportunity to address some key infrastructure problems faced by Stocksbridge with its unique geography and challenges, compounded by the pandemic.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration








Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Executive Director, Resources




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee