Issue - decisions

Review of Private Hire and Hackney Carriage Driver Policy

22/07/2022 - Review of Private Hire and Hackney Carriage Driver Policy


The report provides details of a revised Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Driver’s Licence Policy. The Licensing Authority is seeking approval of a revised policy, it was first published in 2016, the policy provides information and guidance on: applications, decision-making, and enforcement. In providing a publicly available document, it allows: transparency, accountability, and consistency.


The licensing authority is responsible for the regulation of hackney carriage and private hire drivers licensed in the district of Sheffield. Primary legislation regulates the industry, namely: Town Police Clauses Act 1847, and Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976.




UNANIMOUSLY AGREED: That the amendment below is the Substantive Decision of the Waste and Street Scene Policy Committee:


AMENDMENT: That the Waste and Street Scene Policy Committee seek views of Licensing Committee before the policy is approved for implementation; and that the Private Hire and Hackney Carriage Driver Policy returns as a recommendation for decision to this Committee September 2022.

Carried with 7 For, 2 Abstentions and 0 Against.


ORIGINAL RECOMMENDATION FOR DECISION NOT PASSED:That members of the Committee approve the revised Hackney Carriage & Private Hire Drivers Licence Policy to come in to force on 1st September 2022.



Reasons for Decision




The Committee want a steer from Licensing Committee before making a decision on implementing the revised Hackney Carriage & Private Hire Drivers Licence Policy. The statutory guidance requires when formulating a taxi and private hire vehicle policy, the primary and overriding objective must be to protect the public. 



Alternatives Considered and Rejected




The Waste and Street Scene Policy Committee considered the recommendation to approve the policy and rejected it because they wish to seek views of Licensing Committee before making a decision because in setting this policy the Council should intend that the Licensing Committee who will deal with a large number of cases, ensure that cases will be dealt with in a standard way: applying the same criteria and attaching the same weight in each case, and so ensuring consistency and administrative efficiency.