Issue - decisions

LEVI (EV Charging) Pilot Bid Submission

27/09/2022 - Electric Vehicle Public Charging Infrastructure Update and Short-Term Action Plan


The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director – City Futures. The report outlined the current policy background to public electric vehicle charging infrastructure development in Sheffield. It seeked endorsement of the Council’s currently adopted position, and agreement to the carrying out of the short-term actions set out to progress public electric vehicle charging infrastructure delivery.


It also sought agreement that the submission of funding bid(s) for government’s On Street Residential Chargepoint Scheme and / or Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Fund (as either SCC or part of a wider consortium led by South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority) would be consistent with both the policy position and short-term actions, if agreed.






RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee:-




    i.           Endorse the Council’s current policy position in relation to public electric vehicle charging infrastructure provision


   ii.           Note the work currently being undertaken to deliver public electric vehicle charging infrastructure in Sheffield


  iii.           Agree short term actions to progress the delivery of additional public electric vehicle charging infrastructure


 iv.           Note that the submission of funding bids to governments On Street Residential Chargepoint Scheme and/or Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Fund (as either SCC or part of a wider consortium led by South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority) would be consistent with the Council’s current policy position and short-term actions, if agreed.


v.         Note that the delegated authority to submit the aforementioned bids rests with the relevant Exec Director (in consultation with the Council’s Chief Finance Officer), and that commitment to the use of the funding will further be subject to the approval of the Finance Sub-Committee, where appropriate.




Reasons for Decision




For the reasons outlined previously, following the recent publication of the governments national Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Strategy it was the opportune time to confirm the Councils current position in relation to public electric vehicle charging infrastructure and agree a short term plan of action to capitalise on opportunities to further roll out this infrastructure.





Sheffield City Council had set itself a Net Zero target and electric vehicles (EVs), alongside modal shift, will be crucial to meet this goal. The development of a sub-regional strategy and local evidence-based delivery plan will ensure we are in a position to further progress charging infrastructure in the city as opportunities arise and that we are working towards our zero carbon targets.





The short-term actions outlined are necessary to support the existing network, expand it, ensure inclusion, inform future delivery and future proof development.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




The alternative ‘do nothing’ option is not considered appropriate as this is likely to result in: 

·        Disjointed approach to provision of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure that risks inequitable access, inability to leverage available funding and undermines the ability of citizens to transition to electric vehicles;

·        Financial risk to the council due to a failure to comprehensively assess the risk associated with installing electric vehicle charging infrastructure through the various available approaches. These risks are further described in Appendix B to this report

‘Do nothing’ does not tackle the climate emergency and is not considered to be a viable way forward




The development of the delivery plan will consider the implications of a number of approaches to electric vehicle charging infrastructure development.