Issue - decisions

Endorse Adult Social Care Financial Update and Progress with Financial Recovery Plan

28/09/2022 - Adult Social Care Financial Update and Progress with Financial Recovery Plan


At the meeting of the Committee held on 15th June 2022 an analysis of the Adult Heath and Social Care budget, spend and funding was provided to enhance understanding, improve transparency and to ensure that ongoing financial risks and issues remain visible. At the same meeting, a Care Governance Strategy and Framework was approved setting out a robust approach to governance across Adult Health and Social Care, including effective use of our resources.




It was agreed that future reports would be brought to the Committee which set out more detail on funding streams, spends and on forecasting, including long term assumptions, as part of our approach to transparent reporting on the Adult Social Care Budget spend and progress in relation to the financial recovery plan.




The report of the Director of Adult Health and Social Care submitted to this meeting, provided information about use of our resources, an update on progress with our financial recovery, an update on improvements made in relation to our financial governance and sought endorsement for Adult Social Care Effective Use of Resources Delivery Plan.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Adult Health and Social Care Policy Committee:-




(a) notes the information about the funding used to support early achievement of the National Minimum Wage and comparison of Sheffield with other authorities;




(b) notes progress towards the delivery of the 2022/23 pressure mitigations and the actions being taken to achieve delivery;




(c) notes the update on progress with the actions set out at the meeting of this Committee on 15th June 2022;




(d) agrees the transparency reporting milestones to the Committee, noted at section 2.8 of the report; and




(e) agrees the Financial and Resource Management Delivery Plan and requests updates on progress with implementation through the Budget Delivery Reports at each meeting of the Committee.




Reasons for Decision



These recommendations are made to support strategic planning and operational decisions that are necessary for the long-term sustainability of adult health and social care and the long-term benefit of people in Sheffield.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected



Not applicable – no decision or change is being proposed.