Issue - decisions

HRA Business Plan 2023/24

18/11/2022 - HRA Business Plan 2023/24


The report provided a breakdown of the pressures and mitigation/savings options for the Housing Revenue Account in 2023/24. Members were asked to endorse the mitigation options presented in the paper.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Housing Policy Committee:-


1. Endorses the Housing Revenue Account savings proposals/mitigations as set out in this report and recommends to the Strategy and Resources Committee that they be approved as part of the Council’s budget for 2023/24

2. Request a further report on the Housing Revenue Account Business plan at their February meeting with details of the full capital and revenue expenditure proposals for 2023/24

3. Acknowledge that the final decision on council housing rents will be taken at the Full Council in February once the outcome of the government consultation on the Rent Standard is known.


Reasons for Decision


Members were asked to note the unsustainable financial position highlighted by the medium-term financial analysis presented to Strategy and Resources Committee in July 2022. The report and its recommendations, set out the scale of the challenge ahead, the limited resources available and the difficult decisions that need to be taken to deliver a balanced HRA budget for 2023/24.


Alternatives Considered and Rejected


The Council is required to both set a balanced HRA budget and to ensure that in-year income and expenditure are balanced. No other alternatives were considered.