Issue - decisions

Budget Position for year 2023/2024

23/11/2022 - Budget Position for year 2023/2024


The report updated the Policy Committee on the progress of the 2023/24 budget process.


The appendix contained specific budget proposals that the Committee were asked to endorse.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Communities, Parks and Leisure Policy Committee:-


1.     Note the update on the Council’s 2023/24 budget position.

2.     Endorse the budget proposals set out in Appendix 1.



Reasons for Decision


The Council is required by law to set a balanced budget each year. This report is pursuant to that objective and is in line with the process and timetable agreed by the Strategy and Resources Committee on 31 May 2022 and 5 July 2022.


Alternatives Considered and Rejected


The Council is required to both set a balance budget and to ensure that in-year income and expenditure are balanced. No other alternatives were considered.