Issue - decisions

PlayZones Funding Application Site Selection and Community Engagement Approach

23/11/2022 - PlayZones Funding Application Site Selection and Community Engagement Approach


The report sought approval of a site selection and community engagement approach for the PlayZones funding programme.


A PlayZones funding stream was launched by the Football Foundation in 2022, the funding is used to create safe, inclusive, and accessible outdoor sports facilities that bring communities together through recreational forms of football and a range of other sports and physical activities. The fund will enable the refurbishment and creation of multi use games areas across the City.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Communities, Parks and Leisure Policy Committee:-


1.     Approve the proposed approach to:

a.     site selection as set out in the report.

b.     community engagement outlined in the report.

2.     Notes:

a.     the proposed consortium approach to the development of the funding application.

b.     that a final list of sites will be reported to the Communities, Parks and Leisure Committee.

c.     that if secured, any capital funding associated with this funding will be presented to the Strategy and Resources Committee for approval.



Reasons for Decision


The Football Foundation Playzones Programme provides an opportunity for us to increase the quality and usability of a significant number of multi-use games areas across the city.


The PlayZones programme will enable us to provide facilities and activities for communities and target groups who currently face barriers to getting active. This will enable us to tackle inequalities.


The site selection and community engagement approach outlined in the above report is required to ensure we identify the most feasible sites that can reach our target groups; are supported by local communities; are able to be effectively activated via our partner organisations and can pass the through planning and design phase successfully.


Alternatives Considered and Rejected


The option of not applying for the PlayZones programme has been considered. This has been rejected as it would mean we do not secure a significant amount of investment into Sheffield outdoor sport facilities, which is a key priority in our Sport and Leisure Strategy. The condition of multi-use games areas would not be improved, gaps in provision could not be resolved and those communities who most need these facilities and their activation would miss out on this opportunity.