Issue - decisions

Asylum Dispersal Grant

23/11/2022 - Asylum Dispersal Grant


The government have made provision for an Asylum Dispersal Grant to be paid to Local Authorities, along with additional funding to ‘recognise the existing contribution and longstanding support’ of local authorities accommodating asylum seekers.


The purpose of the report sought endorsement by the committee of the proposed allocation of funding from the grant to support development of capacity to promote strong city leadership, a stepping-stone towards growth within the VCFS and strategic work to ensure a good quality, consistent and effective response to those seeking asylum and refuge in the city




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Communities, Parks and Leisure Policy Committee:-


1.     Endorses the use of the Asylum Dispersal Grant and Asylum Dispersal funding to be utilised as detailed in this report, with the purpose of:


·       Providing funding for the continuation of the current Communities Asylum & Migration team function to continue beyond March 2023.

·       Supporting identified partners to provide strategically important, good quality services known to benefit those seeking asylum and sanctuary.

·       Provide an Open Grant Pot for bids from a broad range of organisations working for the benefit of the asylum and refugee community.

2.     Approves the Council acting as accountable body for this purpose.



Reasons for Decision


Given what we know about current numbers in the national, and local asylum estate, retention of refugees in the city and the importance of developing support for refugees to achieve socio-economic success, it is vital that we look beyond short-term demand regarding placement and care of asylum seekers in the city.


This funding is an opportunity to think not only operationally, but strategically to maximise impact for the city in the longer term.


This funding will be significant to enable systemic change and an important step in placing the foundations for an integrated, prosperous, inclusive city.


The recommendation will support development of capacity to promote strong city leadership, a stepping-stone towards growth within the VCFS and strategic work to ensure a good quality, consistent and effective response to those seeking asylum and refuge in the city.


Alternatives Considered and Rejected


The Asylum Dispersal Grant will enable Sheffield to begin to address systemic inequality between asylum seekers and those who have sought refugee status and sanctuary via other routes of entry, including provision of wrap support for this vulnerable group. Given the clear benefit, other potential action e.g. to decline the funding, was rejected.