Issue - decisions

Response to the Peer Review

20/03/2023 - Response to the Peer Review


The recent LGA Corporate Peer Challenge of Sheffield City Council was undertaken by a team of officer and Member peers from other authorities and was based on discussions with over 170 people (Elected Members, staff, representatives of partner organisations and other stakeholders), and involved over 50 meetings over the four days the team were on-site. The peer team’s report focuses on the corporate governance and leadership of the organisation and highlights a number of areas of strength, as well as some areas for improvement.


The report asks Strategy and Resources Committee to consider the findings of the peer challenge and to note and accept the recommendations made. The report also sets out a suggested SCC response to the recommendations and an action plan, which the committee is asked to consider and agree to




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Strategy and Resources Policy Committee:-



(a) notes and welcomes the Corporate Peer Challenge report and its recommendations;


(b) thanks the Corporate Peer Challenge team for their work in undertaking the review and producing the report;


(c) agrees the council’s response and accompanying action plan and to delegate authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the chair of the Strategy and Resources Committee, to take the steps required for its implementation;


(d) notes that the peer team will undertake a follow-up visit to Sheffield approximately 6 months after the initial review to provide a stocktake on initial work towards the recommendations;


(e) requests an update to the Strategy and Resources Committee on progress towards the action plan within 12 months.




Reasons for Decision




The recommendations will strongly support the Council’s ongoing improvement journey as set out in the strategic goals paper and Delivery Plan agreed by Strategy and Resources Committee in June 2022 and August 2022 respectively.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




As a condition of undertaking the peer review, the council agreed that the final report should be considered in a public meeting, alongside a proposed response to the recommendations made.




Therefore, the other options open to Members are not to accept some or all of the recommendations made by the peer team. The recommendations made were based on evidence gathered from over 50 meetings, and discussions with more than 170 people from within and outside the council. There is strong alignment between the recommendations and other pieces of work, such as the 6 month review of governance, work on the Delivery Plan, City Goals development, and the Future Sheffield transformation programme. As such, the option of rejecting some or all of the recommendations is not advised.