Issue - decisions

bereavement Fees and Charges Update

15/03/2023 - Bereavement Fees and Charges


The service manager for Coronial and Bereavement Services introduced the item which outlined the Bereavement Services team proposal to increase fees by 4% for burials, cremations and memorials from 1st April 2023, with some exceptions (as outlined within the report).


The purpose of the report was to provide detail on, and seek agreement for, the proposed price increases.



RESOLVED: That the Communities, Parks and Leisure Policy Committee:-

1.     Agree a general 4% increase (rounded up) to all Bereavement Services fees and charges from 1st April 2023, alongside the specific changes listed within the report.



Reasons for Decision


Raising fees as outlined is recommended in order to minimise the impact delivery cost increases will have on the service delivered to customers.


Alternatives Considered and Rejected


Not increasing fees would lead to a significant reduction in the quality of services provided.



Increasing fees by more than 4% to match inflation would be beneficial for the development and delivery of the service but would provide an additional financial burden on bereaved customers when accessing this essential service at a time when cost of living is already increasing significantly.