Issue - decisions

Commission of Security Guarding and Keyholding services

11/09/2023 - Commission of Security Guarding and Keyholding services


The Executive Director Neighbourhood Services submitted a report will seeking  approval to commission security guarding and keyholding services from an external provider. The report sets out the background to the service and explain why this service cannot be delivered in-house. The report also describes how the service is currently being delivered and goes on to set out the type of service desired for the commission.




RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That Strategy and Resources Policy Committee  approves the commission of security guarding and keyholding services from an external provider, for a period of up to 4 years and with an estimated value of £7,600,000, as set out in the report.




Reasons for Decision




Preferred option – to commission security guarding and keyholding services from an external provider. This will help enable the Council to continue to provide this key service.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Do nothing – this is not a viable option as the Council has the ongoing requirement for an effective security guarding provider and a legal responsibility to safely manage our properties and the existing contract is due to expire.




Self-Deliver - this is not a viable option; the Council has neither the capacity nor expertise to deliver these services.




Further extend existing contract – this is not a viable option as all available contract extensions have been utilised. As ever, the Council must adhere to the Public Contract Regulations (PCR) 2015 thus further variations (value and duration) are not deemed easily reconcilable with the provisions set out within PCR.