Issue - decisions

Upperthorpe and Netherthorpe Permit Parking Scheme

17/12/2012 - Upperthorpe and Netherthorpe Permit Parking Scheme


Further to the decision of this Committee at its meeting on 12th July 2012 to defer a decision on the proposed Permit Parking Scheme in Upperthorpe and Netherthorpe, subject to further consideration of the history and background of the scheme, the Executive Director, Place submitted a report that included further consideration of the history and background of the scheme, including the city-wide Permit Parking context.




RESOLVED: That the Committee:-





approves making the Traffic Regulation Order as shown in plans TR/BN680/B1, C1 (used twice for Areas A and C), D1, E1 and F1, included in Appendix A of the report;






approves the implementation of those parts of the Order concerning double yellow lines, single yellow lines, bus stop clearways and disabled parking bays in order to improve safety at junctions, visibility and access;






does not approve the implementation of those parts of the Order concerning any kind of parking bay other than Disabled Parking Bays (i.e. any time-limited bays; unrestricted parking bays; permit parking bays or Pay & Display bays) at the present time;






notes that there will be a further report to this Committee before any further implementation of a Permit Parking Scheme (PPS) in Upperthorpe and Netherthorpe;






requests the Head of Transport, Traffic and Parking Services to arrange a meeting with the resident now mentioned regarding the extent of the yellow lines on Upperthorpe and if they can be varied; and






requests that, arising from the information reported by the Head of Transport, Traffic and Parking Services, the request for road safety measures at the junction of Upperthorpe, Springvale Road and Commonside, contained in the petition reported to the meeting of this Committee on 8 November 2012, is included in the Central Community Assembly’s list of highway schemes to be considered when the Streets Ahead project is in the Assembly’s area.





Reasons for Decision




To respond to local resident feedback through local Councillors by implementing those parts of the scheme that support local safety and assist bus services and disabled residents.




To approve making the Traffic Regulation Order for the whole scheme so that, if circumstances change (such as public demand or worsening parking), the scheme could be reactivated quickly and inexpensively, either in full or in part, subject to a further report to this Committee.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




Alternative options considered were full implementation of the advertised scheme and the do nothing option.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration








Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Simon Green, Executive Director, Place.




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




Economic and Environmental Wellbeing.