Issue - decisions

Smithywood Crescent - Proposed Traffic Regulation Order

17/12/2012 - Smithy Wood Crescent - Responses to Proposed Traffic Regulation Order


The Executive Director, Place submitted a report setting out the public response to the advertised Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) to legalise the ‘Prohibition of Motor Vehicles Except for Access’ signs which have been installed on Smithy Wood Crescent at its junctions with Chesterfield Road and Woodseats Road to prevent non–residential traffic using it as a through route.




RESOLVED: That the Committee:-





overrules the objection to the Traffic Regulation Order on Smithy Wood Crescent and the restriction be introduced as shown in the plan in Appendix A to the report;






approves the making of the Traffic Regulation Order in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulation Act, 1984;  and






requests that the objector and other respondents are informed accordingly.





Reasons for Decision




The Traffic Regulation Order for this scheme is necessary to enable enforcement of the restriction to be carried out with a view to resolving problems which have been raised by local residents.




Community Assembly members and officers have given due consideration to the views of the respondents in an attempt to find an acceptable solution. The recommendation is considered to be a balanced attempt to address residents concerns and aspirations.




Alternatives Considered and Rejected




This scheme has been designed to meet local needs/priorities as identified by South Community Assembly members. The proposals put forward are considered to deliver the required outcomes to resolve the problems which have been brought to the attention of the Assembly.




One supporter suggested a ‘No Right Turn’ restriction on Chesterfield Road. This type of restriction is also enforced by the Police and no greater enforcement could be expected.




Other measures, such as traffic calming and junction closures, have been explored by the Community Assembly to prevent through traffic from using Smithy Wood Crescent, but these were beyond their budget.




Any Interest Declared or Dispensation Granted








Reason for Exemption if Public/Press Excluded During Consideration








Respective Director Responsible for Implementation




Simon Green, Executive Director, Place.




Relevant Scrutiny and Policy Development Committee If Decision Called In




Economic and Environmental Wellbeing.