Register of interests

Councillor Angela Argenzio

I, Councillor Angela Argenzio a Member of Sheffield City Council give notice that I have the following Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPIs), as required by Section 30 of the Localism Act 2011, and other interests, under the Council's Code of Conduct for Members

1. Employment, office, trade, profession or vocation See note 1
You Your spouse or partner
City of Sanctuary Sheffield, 37-39 Chapel Walk, Sheffield, S1 2PD The Access Foundation, New Fetter Place, 8-10 New Fetter Lane, Holborn, London EC4A 1AZ
2. Sponsorship See note 2
You Your spouse or partner
Sheffield Green Party - Election Expenses None
3. Contracts See note 3
You Your spouse or partner
None None
4. Land See note 4
You Your spouse or partner
This member has an interest but details of that interest are witheld -
5. Licences See note 5
You Your spouse or partner
Plot at Hangingwater Allotments None
6. Corporate Tenancies See note 6
You Your spouse or partner
None None
7. Securities (shares, debentures, bonds) See note 7
You Your spouse or partner
None None

Other interests, as required by the Councillor Code of Conduct

8. Any unpaid directorships
9. Any body of which you are in a position of general control or management and to which you are nominated or appointed by your Authority See note 9
South Yorkshire Integrated Care Partnership - as Member
Sheffield Health and Wellbeing Board - as Chair (Co-Chair)
Health and Care Partnership Board
Sheffield Adult Safeguarding Partnership Board
10. Any body of which you are in a position of general control or management and which exercises functions of a public nature See note 10
11. Any body of which you are in a position of general control or management and which is directed to charitable purposes See note 11
12. Any body of which you are in a position of general control or management and one of whose principal purposes includes the influence of public opinion or policy See note 12
Member of the Green Party of England and Wales
Member of Unite (Community)
13. Notification by Member of a Local Authority of offer of Gift or Hospitality over the value of £10.00 See note 13
Details of offer - date, name of donor, amount and nature of gift Accepted/Declined inc. reason
9 December 2021 - Attended Sheffield Business Awards as a guest. Dinner was served at the event which would probably cost more than £10 if charged or ticketed. Accepted. As Adviser to support the Executive Member for Inclusive Economy, Jobs and Skills, and at the request of the Business Sheffield Team who invited us. This supported good relations with businesses (as part of the portfolio) and also Council officers who work in the Business Sheffield Team.
January 2023 - Owlerton Stadium - 15 free tickets, race card and drink valid throughout January. Received in the post (unsolicited) Declined - Disposed of. Against gambling and animal exploitation.
12 May 2023 - One ticket for opening concert of Music in the Round Chamber Music Festival - £21 Accepted - Music in the Round provided ticket for opening night as a way of widening audience reach.
29 November 2023 - Dinner - Tile Hill and Inner Circle Consulting - Value £30 Accepted - Networking opportunity as part of national Social Services Conference
30 November 2023 - Dinner - Impower - Value £30 Accepted - Networking opportunity as part of national Social Services Conference
24 March 2024 - Sheffield Steelers match tickets and hospitality - Value not known Invited by owner as part of SLT and cross party representation for the trophy presentation. Accepted as Green Group representative.