
Use the search options below to find information regarding decisions that have been taken by the Council’s decision making bodies.

Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.

Decisions published
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
Acceptance of Safer Streets Fund Round 5 Grant Funding ref: 373517/11/202317/11/2023Not for call-in
Safeguarding People - Annual Reports ref: 371520/11/202320/11/2023Not for call-in
Community Re-use of Steel Containers ref: 371620/11/202320/11/2023Not for call-in
Council’s Consent for the Police & Crime Commissioner Powers to be Transferred to the South Yorkshire Mayor ref: 373320/11/202320/11/2023Not for call-in
The Sheffield Public Health Grant ref: 371820/11/202320/11/2023Not for call-in
Establishing a New Partner City Policy ref: 371720/11/202320/11/2023Not for call-in
Commission and Procurement of Contract for Cloud-Hosted Telephony System ref: 373427/07/202327/07/2023Not for call-in
North East Local Area Committee Spend Report 2023/24 ref: 373822/11/202322/11/2023Not for call-in
North Local Area Committee Budget ref: 373621/11/202321/11/2023Not for call-in
Food Waste Collection Service Transitional Arrangement ref: 372715/11/202315/11/2023Not for call-in
Review of Annual Report Parking Services 2022/23 ref: 372815/11/202315/11/2023Not for call-in
Waste and Street Scene Budget 2024/2025 ref: 372615/11/202315/11/2023Not for call-in
Hackney Carriage Fares Review ref: 372415/11/202315/11/2023Not for call-in
Review of Crystal Peaks Market Service Charge ref: 372515/11/202315/11/2023Not for call-in
Allotment Rents ref: 373013/11/202313/11/2023Not for call-in
Asylum Dispersal Grant ref: 373113/11/202313/11/2023Not for call-in
2024/25 Budget Savings for CPL to set a balanced budget ref: 373213/11/202313/11/2023Not for call-in
Bereavement Strategy ref: 372913/11/202313/11/2023Not for call-in
White Ribbon Plan and New Strategy ref: 366218/10/202318/10/2023Not for call-in
Agency Staffing Provision ref: 366618/10/202318/10/2023Not for call-in
Customer Services Improvement Plan Update ref: 366418/10/202318/10/2023Not for call-in
Major Event Opportunity ref: 366818/10/202318/10/2023Not for call-in
Delivery Plan - Urgent Performance Challenges Annual Report ref: 366318/10/202318/10/2023Not for call-in
Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) in Council Buildings ref: 366518/10/202318/10/2023Not for call-in
Investment Zone - Business Rate Retention ref: 366718/10/202318/10/2023Not for call-in
Shared Prosperity Fund Business Launchpad Project ref: 372025/10/202325/10/2023Not for call-in
Operational Services - Contract Procurement - Supply of Liquid Fuels ref: 371910/11/202310/11/2023Not for call-in
Community Heating Meter Contract ref: 369802/11/202302/11/2023Not for call-in
Commission of a new Furnished Accommodation Framework ref: 369702/11/202302/11/2023Not for call-in
Housing Regulation and SCC Response to Regulatory Consultations ref: 369602/11/202302/11/2023Not for call-in
Housing Policy Committee Savings and Pressures 2024 - 25 ref: 369902/11/202302/11/2023Not for call-in
Capital Approvals Month 6 (2023/24) ref: 370006/11/202306/11/2023Not for call-in
Update on Final Spend Report for 2022/23 and Proposed Spend for 2023/24 ref: 367605/10/202305/10/2023Not for call-in