
Use the search options below to find information regarding decisions that have been taken by the Council’s decision making bodies.

Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.

Decisions published
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
Springfield Nursery Significant Change ref: 404903/09/202403/09/2024Not for call-in
All Age Mental Health ref: 405203/09/202403/09/2024Not for call-in
Sheffield City Council Kinship Care Policy ref: 405003/09/202403/09/2024Not for call-in
Home to School Transport ref: 404303/09/202403/09/2024Not for call-in
Update on Mainstream Primary, Secondary and Post 16 Sufficiency Plans - 2025 onwards ref: 404803/09/202403/09/2024Not for call-in
2024-25 Q1 Budget Monitoring ref: 404103/09/202403/09/2024Not for call-in
ECF Policy Committee - 2024/25 The Year Ahead ref: 404203/09/202403/09/2024Not for call-in
Youth Justice Service - Appropriate Adult Service ref: 402631/07/202431/07/2024Not for call-in
Capital Approvals Month 3 2024-25 ref: 403419/08/202419/08/2024Not for call-in
2024-25 Q1 Budget Monitoring Report ref: 403519/08/202419/08/2024Not for call-in
Entering into a Friendship Agreement with the City of Nablus ref: 403829/08/202429/08/2024Not for call-in
Budget Monitoring, Quarter 1 2024/25 ref: 403629/08/202429/08/2024Not for call-in
Street Tree Inquiry Report Progress ref: 403729/08/202429/08/2024Not for call-in
Gleadless Valley Regeneration and Delivery Plan ref: 404029/08/202429/08/2024Not for call-in
A Smoke Free Generation ref: 403929/08/202429/08/2024Not for call-in