Use the search options below to find information regarding decisions that have been taken by the Council’s decision making bodies.
Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.
Decision Maker: Finance and Performance Policy Committee
Made at meeting: 16/12/2024 - Finance and Performance Policy Committee
Decision published: 09/01/2025
Effective from: 16/12/2024
12.1 |
The Finance and Performance Policy Committee considered a report of the Director of Finance and Commercial Services which provided details of proposed changes to the existing Capital Programme as brought forward in Month 07 2024/25.
12.2 |
RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Finance and Performance Policy Committee: -
1. That the Committee approve the proposed additions and variations to the Capital Programme listed in Appendix 1, Appendix 2, Appendix 3 and Appendix 4
2. That the Committee approve the proposed variation to the capital programme in Appendix 5 subject to a successful outcome to the bid for funding submitted to South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority
3. That the delegate authority to the Executive Director of City Futures to accept the grant funding in relation to Attercliffe Waterside to subject to a successful outcome to the bid for funding submitted to South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority and finalisation of the terms and conditions
4. That the Committee delegate authority to the Executive Director of City Futures to approve the issuing of grant funding as identified in Appendix 7 subject to a successful outcome to the bid for funding submitted to South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority and finalisation of the terms and conditions
12.3 |
Reasons for Decision |
12.3.1 |
The proposed changes to the Capital programme will improve the services to the people of Sheffield. |
12.4 |
Alternatives Considered and Rejected |
12.4.1 |
A number of alternative courses of action are considered as part of the process undertaken by Officers before decisions are recommended to Members. The recommendations made to Members represent what Officers believe to be the best options available to the Council, in line with Council priorities, given the constraints on funding and the use to which funding is put within the Revenue Budget and the Capital Programme. |
Decision Maker: Finance and Performance Policy Committee
Made at meeting: 16/12/2024 - Finance and Performance Policy Committee
Decision published: 09/01/2025
Effective from: 16/12/2024
8.1 |
The Committee considered a report of the Director of Children and Families which outlined the proposal to introduce a more simplified system by which Care Leavers in Sheffield, aged between 18 and 21, could be supported to reduce their Council Tax liabilities. |
8.2 |
RESOLVED UNAMIOUSLY: That the Finance and Performance Policy Committee:
1. Approve the proposed change in approach to reducing Council Tax liabilities for Care Leavers Council Tax Exemption Scheme between the ages of 18 and 21 to take effect from 1st April 2025 2. Approve the proposal to allow backdated applications to the start of the financial year in which the application is made (but no earlier than 1st April 2025) 3. Agree to the clearing of current council tax arrears for Care Leavers. 4. Agree that support for Care Leavers with a Council Tax Liability outside of the City be determined on a case-by-case basis based on the individuals’ circumstances |
8.3 |
Reasons for Decision |
8.3.1 |
The proposal to provide full Council Tax support to Care Leavers 18-22 is an excellent investment to improve the lives of Care Leavers giving them a strong start to adult life. |
8.3.2 |
The approach will support young care leavers aspirations, growing independence and ability to deal with new financial responsibilities. |
8.3.3 |
This has clear advantages in both the short and long term for the care leavers and the Council. |
8.4 |
Alternatives Considered and Rejected |
8.4.1 |
Provide full support until 25 years old - There are 104 care leaver accounts where the care leaver is aged between 22 and 25. The table below shows what the total net liability would be for this group once all statutory exemptions were applied to the accounts.
As for the 18-22 age group assuming similar numbers of Care Leavers in 2025/26, a 5% increase in Council Tax and paying the 15% precept to South Yorkshire Police and South Yorkshire Police and Fire the cost of fully supporting this age group would be c£147,000, Therefore, should the Council choose to offer support under the proposed scheme for all 18 to 25 year olds, then the overall cost would be c£242,000 for 2025/2026 This would have the same benefits as Option 1 and would provide support for longer. However, this may also increase the cliff edge for 25 year olds when statutory support from the Leaving Care service ends. It increases the overall cost to the local authority. The Leaving Care Service does not recommend this option be approved by Members |
8.4.2 |
Provide full support to 18-22 year olds and graduated support until 25 years old -All LA’s who offer support to Care Leavers in relation to their Council Tax liabilities offer support to 18–21-year-olds, with some but not all, offering some support to 22- 25 year olds. One option considered would be to offer reduced support for this age group in order to provide some assistance but also to ready them for the move to a potential full charge when they become 25. The table below shows what this might look like for 2025/26 based on the assumption set out above regarding Council Tax increases and payments to precepting authorities. |
This would provide the same benefits as Option 1to 18–21-year-olds and reduce the impact of responsibilities for young people as they “age out” of statutory support, allowing them greater time to adjust to this additional financial responsibility. However, this approach may increase the complexity of the offer to Care Leavers, which is something the recommended approach avoids, and it could increase administrative costs. The additional challenge is that after 21years, Care Leavers become increasing independent and young people choose to no longer receive ongoing individual support from the Leaving Care Service, therefore the opportunity to support young people to access and understand a graduated level of support will reduce. The Leaving Care Service does not recommend this option be approved by Members |
8.4.3 |
No change to the current approach - By not changing the current approach the future cost of the scheme would not increase significantly, other than by the annual inflationary pressures of council tax increases. However, this approach has
• Already been criticised for not offering a clear, simple process of support to care levers • Been shown to not offer the same support to all care leavers • Been shown to be administratively burdensome and inefficient • Been shown to create debt which is difficult to collect
For the above reasons the Leaving Care Service does not recommend this option be approved by Members |
Decision Maker: Finance and Performance Policy Committee
Made at meeting: 16/12/2024 - Finance and Performance Policy Committee
Decision published: 09/01/2025
Effective from: 16/12/2024
10.1 |
The Finance and Performance Policy Committee considered a report of the Director of Finance and Commercial Services which outlined the progress to date in delivering a balanced budget for 2025/26. The report set out the current budget gap along with the associated assumptions, risks and opportunities to be considered in setting a balanced budget.
10.2 |
RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Finance and Performance Policy Committee: -
1. Note the current budget gap stands at £1.7m for 2025/26. 2. Note the budget gap will likely change following the publication of the Local Government Finance Settlement (LGFS) on or before the 19th December 2024. 3. Note the pressures, savings and investments proposals set out in the closed appendix 1 of this report. 4. Note for consideration the ongoing budget assumptions, financial risks and opportunities set out in the report that will play a role in determining the future actions required to balance the 2025/26 budget. |
10.3 |
Reasons for Decision |
10.3.1 |
N/A |
10.4 |
Alternatives Considered and Rejected |
10.4.1 |
The Council is required by law to deliver a balance budget and therefore each Committee needs to delivery savings to achieve this. No alternatives have been considered at this stage. |
Decision Maker: Finance and Performance Policy Committee
Made at meeting: 16/12/2024 - Finance and Performance Policy Committee
Decision published: 09/01/2025
Effective from: 16/12/2024
11.1 |
The Finance and Performance Policy Committee considered a report of the Director of Finance and Commercial Services which outlined the progress in delivering a balanced budget for the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) for 2025/26. The report set out the current budget gap along with the associated assumptions, risks and opportunities to be considered in setting a balanced budget.
11.2 |
RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Finance and Performance Policy Committee: -
1. Note the current budget gap stands at £6.7m for 2025/26. 2. Note the pressures, savings and investments proposals set out in the closed appendix 1 of this report. 3. Note for consideration the ongoing budget assumptions, financial risks and opportunities set out in the report that will play a role in determining the future actions required to balance the 2025/26 budget. |
11.3 |
Reasons for Decision |
11.3.1 |
N/A |
11.4 |
Alternatives Considered and Rejected |
11.4.1 |
The Council is required by law to deliver a balanced HRA budget and therefore we need to deliver savings to achieve this. No alternatives have been considered at this stage. |
Decision Maker: Finance and Performance Policy Committee
Made at meeting: 16/12/2024 - Finance and Performance Policy Committee
Decision published: 09/01/2025
Effective from: 16/12/2024
The Finance and Performance Policy Committee considered a report of the Director of Finance and Commercial Services which included current, historic and comparator data for Outcome measures. In addition to measure data, the report included more detailed narratives provided by measure owners on strengths and challenges.
RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Finance and Performance Policy Committee: -
- Note the Council Plan Outcomes Framework Q2 Report the measures that evidence our improvements and show distance travelled against each Council plan priority - Agree to continue to receive quarterly reports that provide an overview of performance against the Outcome measures, describing performance strengths, challenges, interventions taken, and the results of changes made - Consider, and ask all other policy committees to consider, if issues raised in this performance report should have further scrutiny through the scheduling of time on the appropriate committee work programme
9.3 |
Reasons for Decision
The Outcomes Framework underpins how we measure progress and monitor impact of the Council Plan. It is aligned to our four-year Medium Term Financial Strategy and the outcomes will increasingly become the focus for our budget, Directorate and Service Plans. |
9.3.2 |
The Council Plan Outcomes Framework 2 performance provides measurable evidence of distance travelled against the Council Plan as part of a systematic process of robust corporate performance reporting. |
9.3.3 |
To ensure that Finance & Performance Policy Committee contributes to the performance management process and drives improvement across the organisation. |
9.4 |
Alternatives Considered and Rejected |
9.4.1 |
Previous decisions made requires officers to proceed with implementing the full performance framework to underpin how we measure progress and monitor impact of the Council Plan. It is aligned to our four-year Medium Term Page 52 Financial Strategy and the outcomes will increasingly become enabling elements for our priority-based budget plans, Directorate and Service going forwards and set a key deliverable for the Council.
Beyond some nuance of how we implement some details of the framework, the measures, performance system and reporting cycles are agreed, removing the alternative options available for implementation of the framework. |
Direct order through the existing Emergency demolition MTC.
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial Services
Decision published: 09/01/2025
Effective from: 02/03/2023
The tender of MHH Contracting Ltd in the sum £119,800 is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly.
Decision taken by the Director of Finance & Commercial Services or his nominee under the authority delegated by Strategy and Resources on 24/01/2023
For further information regarding the decision, please see Appendix 1:
For further information regarding the project, please contact Suzanne Allen.
Lead officer: Liz Gough
Direct Award and subsequent negotiation through the London Housing Consortium (LHC).
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial Services
Decision published: 09/01/2025
Effective from: 02/03/2023
The tender of Zed Pods Limited in the sum £1,174,721 is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly.
Decision taken by the Director of Finance & Commercial Services or his nominee under the authority delegated by Strategy and Resources on 05/07/2022.
For further information regarding the decision, please see Appendix 1:
For further information regarding the project, please contact the Housing Department.
Lead officer: Liz Gough
Via competitive tender, inviting local contractors registered on Constructionline.
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial Services
Decision published: 09/01/2025
Effective from: 02/03/2023
The tender of Ron Hull Demolition Ltd in the sum £101,470.00 is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly.
Decision taken by the Director of Finance & Commercial Services or his nominee under the authority delegated by Cooperative Executive on 19/01/2022.
For further information regarding the decision, please see Appendix 1:
For further information regarding the project, please contact the Housing Department.
Lead officer: Liz Gough
Via further competition under the PfH INPGB050 Commercial and Domestic Appliances Framework.
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial Services
Decision published: 09/01/2025
Effective from: 02/03/2023
The tender of Goodman Sparks Ltd in the sum £270,000 is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly.
Decision taken by the Director of Finance & Commercial Services or his nominee under the authority delegated by Cooperative Executive on 19/01/2022.
For further information regarding the decision, please see Appendix 1:
For further information regarding the project, please contact Alison Charlesworth.
Lead officer: Liz Gough
PSCA to Equans (previously trading as Engie Regeneration Ltd) by rotation via the YORbuild2 framework.
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial Services
Decision published: 09/01/2025
Effective from: 02/03/2023
The tender of Equans in the sum £66,266.10 is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly.
Decision taken by the Director of Finance & Commercial Services or his nominee under the authority delegated by Cabinet on 17/07/2019
For further information regarding the decision, please see Appendix 1:
For further information regarding the project, please contact Nathan Robinson.
Lead officer: Liz Gough
To procure a contract for a Principal Contractor via direct call-off from the Fusion 21 framework.
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial Services
Decision published: 09/01/2025
Effective from: 02/03/2023
The tender of E.ON Energy Solutions in the sum £580,566.26 is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly.
Decision taken by the Director of Finance & Commercial Services or his nominee under the authority delegated by Cooperative Executive on 20/04/2022
For further information regarding the decision, please see Appendix 1:
For further information regarding the project, please contact Nathan Robinson.
Lead officer: Liz Gough
To procure a specialist asbestos supplier by direct selection via the Consortium Procurement Framework.
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial Services
Decision published: 09/01/2025
Effective from: 02/03/2023
The tender of Tersus in the sum £487,269 is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly.
Decision taken by the Director of Finance & Commercial Services or his nominee under the authority delegated by Cooperative Executive on 04/05/2022
For further information regarding the decision, please see Appendix 1:
For further information regarding the project, please contact Nesreen Lowson.
Lead officer: Liz Gough
Direct Award and subsequent negotiation through the London Housing Consortium (LHC) Framework (NH2).
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial Services
Decision published: 09/01/2025
Effective from: 02/03/2023
The tender of Zed Pods Limited in the sum £93,350 is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly.
Decision taken by the Director of Finance & Commercial Services or his nominee under the authority delegated by Strategy and Resources on 05/07/2022
For further information regarding the decision, please see Appendix 1:
For further information regarding the project, please contact Suzanne Allen.
Lead officer: Liz Gough
Mechanical Contractor via open competitive tender with Suitability Assessment.
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial Services
Decision published: 09/01/2025
Effective from: 02/03/2023
The tender of Denton & Nickels Ltd in the sum £630,000 is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly.
Decision taken by the Director of Finance & Commercial Services or his nominee under the authority delegated by Cooperative Executive on 15/12/2021
For further information regarding the decision, please see Appendix 1:
For further information regarding the project, please contact Dean Butterworth.
Lead officer: Liz Gough
Mini competition via the YORbuild2 Framework.
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial Services
Decision published: 09/01/2025
Effective from: 02/03/2023
The tender of Esh Construction Ltd in the sum £13,490,761 is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly.
Decision taken by the Director of Finance & Commercial Services or his nominee under the authority delegated by Cabinet on 23/09/20
For further information regarding the decision, please see Appendix 1:
For further information regarding the project, please contact the Housing Department.
Lead officer: Liz Gough
Tendering for the Principal contractor by mini competition via the YORbuild2 Framework.
Traditional procurement with the Client’s team completing the design prior to tender.
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial Services
Decision published: 09/01/2025
Effective from: 02/03/2023
The tender of Kier Construction Ltd in the sum of £2,854,595 be accepted and a letter be issued to authorise the commencement of the Pre-construction period (Stage 1 only).
Decision taken by the Director of Finance & Commercial Services or his nominee under the authority delegated by Cooperative Executive on 23/06/2021
For further information regarding the decision, please see Appendix 1:
For further information regarding the project, please contact the Housing Department.
Lead officer: Liz Gough
Competitive quotes collected.
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial Services
Decision published: 09/01/2025
Effective from: 02/03/2023
The tender of Playdale Playgrounds Limited in the sum £66,044 is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly.
Decision taken by the Director of Finance & Commercial Services or his nominee under the authority delegated by Strategy and Resources on 24/01/2023
For further information regarding the decision, please see Appendix 1:
For further information regarding the project, please contact Ruth Bell.
Lead officer: Liz Gough
Decision Maker: Waste & Street Scene Policy Committee
Made at meeting: 20/12/2024 - Waste & Street Scene Policy Committee
Decision published: 08/01/2025
Effective from: 20/12/2024
5.1.1 |
The Executive Director Neighbourhood Services introduced a report by the Director of Street Scene and Regulation Services concerning the Streets Ahead Private Finance Initiative (PFI) Contract refresh. |
5.1.2 |
The report outlined proposals to amend the current contractual clauses associated with the carriageway asset management strategy, contract termination and provision of additional clauses for incorporating procedures for Small Value Changes. |
5.1.3 |
The report detailed;
i. why a Contract review was necessary at this stage; ii. the intended outcomes of the Contract Refresh, including operational and financial benefits; iii. current progress against the additional benefits; iv. the governance process to achieve the above. |
5.2 |
RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Waste and Street Scene Policy Committee;
1. Notes that officers will proceed with delivering items 1 and 3 of table 3 in part 2 of this report through early 2025, and that a project team and a working group will be set-up followed by the development of a detailed programme. 2. Agrees to changes in the PFI contract required to enable the adoption of the proposed asset management strategy set out in part 3, and appendix 2 to this report. 3. Agrees to the inclusion of an additional mechanism for implementing small value changes into the PFI contract, as described in part 4 to this report. 4. Agrees to the amendments made to sections of the contract pertaining to the termination process, set out in appendix 3 5. Delegates to the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods in consultation with the General Counsel to negotiate and finalise the proposed contract changes noted above and to approve the execution of the Deed of Variation subject to DfT Approval and lender consent. 6. Notes that acceptance of the above changes if approved will result in the financial benefit from Amey LG set out part 10 of this report. |
5.3 |
Reasons for Decision |
5.3.1 |
The PFI is now 12 years old operationally and the project to initiate and procure it was started over 15 years ago. The Contract is output based which provides for only a limited level of flexibility for community-based input and contribution.? Generally, the Service Standards are based on 'city wide' requirements and as such do not always address the differing needs of the City’s communities. |
5.3.2 |
Sheffield has changed significantly over the last 12-15 years there have been changes to the City’s demographics, geographical and economic shifts, the impacts of environment issues are being felt more often and severely, technology through innovation has also moved on significantly since the start of the Contract. |
5.3.3 |
The Contract Refresh and the proposals outlined in this Report offers sustainable benefits that will enable the Contract to be better aligned with these changing demands. |
5.3.4 |
As part of these changes, Amey have offered a financial benefit to demonstrate their commitment to the delivery of the Contract in its revised form. |
5.3.5 |
Officers note that the proposals for asset management and small value change will contribute significantly towards the councils commitment to meeting the recommendations from the Lowcock Inquiry including the ability to operate flexibly and meet evolving demands and local needs. |
5.3.6 |
The proposals are underpinned by all parties appetite to improve partnering and the contract culture leading to a more inclusive and transparent approach to delivering the requirements of the PFI. |
5.4 |
Alternatives Considered and Rejected |
5.4.1 |
Asset Management Strategy
The current Asset Management Strategy is aligned to the Contract requirements. The proposed strategy is a development to the current strategy using past intelligence of servicing including repairs, treatments and traffic growth to project future performance of the carriageway pavements. The alternative to this option was a do-nothing scenario which would mean continuing the same operations going forward. Officers agree that the proposal to revise the strategy will add benefits to the City in terms of increased resurfacing works with reduced multiple visits to the same area. |
5.4.2 |
Changes to the Termination Process
Several options were considered as part of the exercise to update the termination process, these are noted below: |
| |
Macro Level Measures Towards Triggering Termination (Service Standard Measures
This option was discarded for the following reasons: · This would encourage performance to be centred around meeting service standard levels as opposed to individual performance requirements. · There was no guarantee that individual performance requirements would be fully observed as it would not necessarily count towards termination. |
| |
Macro Level Measures towards Triggering Termination (Blend of % and Strategic Performance Requirements)
This option was discarded for the same reasons noted above, i.e. it did not guarantee compliance with all performance requirements or individual requirements that would not be included in the % performance scale or form part of the suite of strategic performance requirements. |
| |
Recalibration of Approx 100 Performance Requirements
This option was also discarded for the same reasons noted above. |
| |
Two-Tiered Approach Limiting Default to 54 Key Performance Measures
This option consisted of a stepped approach to termination. · Firstly, performance measured against all performance requirements would be monitored, if poor performance would be triggered by meeting the contract thresholds, then this would lead to the next step. · Secondly, performance would then be measured against 54 key performance measures. The 54 performance measures selected was based on past data where performance has been frequently measured against. |
| |
This option was discarded as officers acknowledged that whilst it would be unlikely that the service provider would reach the termination thresholds based on past performance, in the instance that it did, then the added second step would unlikely be breached if the service provider strategically remained compliant to those performance requirements, again raising the risk of not meeting all the performance requirements. |
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Competitive quotes collected.
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial Services
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 02/03/2023
That the tender of Playdale Playgrounds Limited in the sum £61,795.84 is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly.
Decision taken by the Director of Finance & Commercial Services or his nominee under the authority delegated by Strategy and Resources on 24/01/2023
For further information regarding the decision, please see Appendix 1:
For further information regarding the project, please contact Ruth Bell.
Lead officer: Liz Gough
Open Competitive process.
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial Services
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 02/03/2023
That the tender of Horticon Ltd in the sum £158,996.11 is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly.
Decision taken by the Director of Finance & Commercial Services or his nominee under the authority delegated by Cabinet on 29/05/2020.
For further information regarding the decision, please see Appendix 1:
For further information regarding the project, please contact Ruth Bell.
Lead officer: Liz Gough
Competitive quotes collected.
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial Services
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 02/03/2023
That the tender of Jones Lighting in the sum £33,795 is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly.
Decision taken by the Director of Finance & Commercial Services or his nominee under the authority delegated by Strategy and Resources on 21/02/2023
For further information regarding the decision, please see Appendix 1:
For further information regarding the project, please contact Ruth Bell.
Lead officer: Liz Gough
Decision Maker: Education, Children and Families Policy Committee
Made at meeting: 18/12/2024 - Education, Children and Families Policy Committee
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 18/12/2024
Assistant Director of Finance and Accounting, introduced the report
which provided the Committee with an update on the Q2 outturn
position for Sheffield City Council’s revenue budget for
2024/25. |
12.2 |
Children and Families Policy Committee:-
12.3 |
Reasons for Decision |
12.3.1 |
record formally changes to the Revenue Budget. |
12.4 |
Alternatives Considered and Rejected |
12.4.1 |
The Council is required to both set a balance budget and to ensure that in-year income and expenditure are balanced. No other alternatives were considered. |
Decision Maker: Education, Children and Families Policy Committee
Made at meeting: 18/12/2024 - Education, Children and Families Policy Committee
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 18/12/2024
Strategic Director of Children's Services introduced the report
which provided the Committee with a Strategic Director’s
update on the performance and governance of Children’s
services, including progress in meeting DCS (Director of
Children’s Services) accountabilities and delivering on
statutory requirements. It also provided an update regarding
progress in relation to the Council’s Delivery Plan, key
strategic events and issues on the horizon. |
10.2 |
Children and Families Policy Committee:-
10.3 |
Reasons for Decision |
10.3.1 |
report provides an update with regards to Children’s Services
activities for Members. |
10.4 |
Alternatives Considered and Rejected |
10.4.1 |
Not applicable – no decision or change is being proposed. |
Decision Maker: Education, Children and Families Policy Committee
Made at meeting: 18/12/2024 - Education, Children and Families Policy Committee
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 18/12/2024
Senior Manager Strategy Policy Performance and Development
introduced the report which updated the Committee on progress with
the programme and sought approval for Sheffield City Council to
continue as the accountable body for this new funding and accept
the grant funding on behalf of the partnership. The report also
sought approval for Sheffield City Council (as lead authority for
YHRP) to commission Higher Education Services for and on behalf of
the YHRP. |
11.2 |
Children and Families Policy Committee:-
11.3 |
Reasons for Decision |
11.3.1 |
11.4 |
Alternatives Considered and Rejected |
11.4.1 |
Alternative Option 1: Sheffield City Council has been the lead authority for the Step
up to Social Work programme since its inception at a pilot stage in
2010. The Regional Partnership is one of the largest in the country
and is highly praised by the DfE for its success. The DfE asks
Sheffield City Council for expert guidance and seek our advice for
new Partnerships and for knowledge of the degree programme. To not
agree this programme would damage the reputation of Sheffield City
council and its 8 regional partners, alongside the Higher Education
Institute (University provider) and the South Yorkshire Teaching
partnership. |
11.4.2 |
Alternative Option 2: Sheffield City Council wishes to continue to act as the lead authority for Step up to Social Work within the Yorkshire and Humberside region as it brings in a significant amount of funding over the 14-month period which supports our financial situation. We do engage in the social work apprenticeship 3-year BA Honours degree programme using the apprenticeship levy however this fast-track postgraduate degree programme is intensive and at no cost to the council. |
Decision Maker: Education, Children and Families Policy Committee
Made at meeting: 18/12/2024 - Education, Children and Families Policy Committee
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 18/12/2024
The Head of Service, Resourcing and Business Planning introduced the report which asked the Committee to consider proposals around changes to discretionary Special Educational Needs Travel & Transport.
9.2 |
Children and Families Policy Committee:-
9.3 |
Reasons for Decision |
9.3.1 |
To ensure that children, young people and adult
learners with SEN travel needs are supported to access their
education in an appropriate, supportive and sustainable
manner. |
9.4 |
Alternatives Considered and Rejected |
9.4.1 |
Post 16 Alternative Option 1: Cease all SEN Travel Support for Post-16 Students
9.4.2 |
Post 16 Alternative Option 2: Provide transport to/from Post-16 provision at the start and end of the day.
The exact times would vary with each setting, however this might mean, for example, arriving at 9am and leaving at 4pm. Travel at any other times would be the responsibility of the parent/carer or educational provider.
9.4.3 |
Post 16 Alternative Option 3: Continue to provide Post-16 Transport ‘as[1]is’, but increase the cost of parental contribution.
Parent/carers are currently asked to contribute £540/year towards the cost of Post 16 SEN Transport. This is reduced for those attending less than 4 days/week.
Low-income families are encouraged to apply for the 16-18 Bursary Fund, and those with a household income of under £21,000 who are not able to access the bursary fund are supported directly by the council.
The contribution has been in place since September 2017 and has not increased during this period.
9.4.4 |
Post 16 Alternative Option 4: Do nothing Continue ‘as-is’ with all current discretionary Post-16 SEN Travel/Transport provision.
9.4.5 |
Post 19 Alternative Option 1: Provide the majority of eligible Post-19 SEN students with a Personal Travel Budget as the council’s preferred means of travel support. To provide most learners in SEN Post-19 education who are eligible for travel support with a Personal Travel Budget from September 2025. This would be a change from current practice where most Post-19 students have minibus or taxi travel.
9.4.6 |
Post 19 Alternative Option 2: Do nothing Continue ‘as-is’ with all current Post-19 SEN Travel/Transport provision.
9.4.7 |
SEN Nursery Alternative Option 1: Cease provision
Decision Maker: Education, Children and Families Policy Committee
Made at meeting: 18/12/2024 - Education, Children and Families Policy Committee
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 18/12/2024
Assistant Director of QAIS introduced the reports which provided
the Committee with a comprehensive overview of each Service's
activities during the period, highlighting their support for the
city's children and also provided quantitative and qualitative
evidence demonstrating the impact of the services in Sheffield as
required by statutory guidance. |
8.2 |
Children and Families Policy Committee receive and note the
following statutory reports:-
8.3 |
Reasons for Decision |
8.3.1 |
Statutory guidance states that the manager of the Service should
complete an annual report for the scrutiny of elected
Members. |
8.4 |
Alternatives Considered and Rejected |
8.4.1 |
The reports provided quantitative and qualitative evidence demonstrating the impact of the services in Sheffield as required by statutory guidance. Statutory guidance states that the manager of the Service should complete an annual report for the scrutiny of elected Members and the Local Safeguarding Children’s Partnership. Education, Children and Families Committee afford the best forum to support transparency for both elected member and public scrutiny. |
Contract award to Horticon via the Parks Landscaping MTC.
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial Services
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 02/03/2023
That (1) the tender of Horticon Ltd in the sum £236,000 for the Ecclesfield Park Improvement works is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly; and
(2) the tender of Horticon Ltd in the sum £97,155 for the Tennis Courts is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly.
Decision taken by the Director of Finance & Commercial Services or his nominee under the authority delegated by Strategy and Resources on 21/02/2023
For further information regarding the decision, please see Appendix 1:
For further details of the project, please contact Ruth Bell.
Lead officer: Liz Gough
Award to Horticon via the Parks Landscaping MTC.
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial Services
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 02/03/2023
That (1) the tender of Horticon Ltd in the sum £236,000 for the Ecclesfield Park Improvement works is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly; and
(2) the tender of Horticon Ltd in the sum £97,155 for the Tennis Courts is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly.
Decision taken by the Director of Finance & Commercial Services or his nominee under the authority delegated by Strategy and Resources on 21/02/2023
For further information regarding the decision, please see Appendix 1:
For further information regarding the project, please contact Ruth Bell.
Lead officer: Liz Gough
Award to Sheffield Countryside Conservation Trust by call off an existing contract.
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial Services
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 02/03/2023
The tender of Sheffield Countryside Conservation Trust in the sum £5,210 is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly.
Decision taken by the Director of Finance & Commercial Services or his nominee under the authority delegated by Cooperative Executive on 04/05/2022
For further information regarding the decision, please see Appendix 1:
For further information regarding the project, please contact Ruth Bell.
Lead officer: Liz Gough
i. EC Surfacing via the Non-Highways Measured term contract.
ii. Sheffield Countryside and Conservation Trust via the Woodlands Maintenance contract.
iii. Earth Anchors, Sheffield Tree Care and Pushkin Signs by competitive quotes.
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial Services
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 02/03/2023
That (1) the tender of EC Surfacing in the sum £20,000 is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly;
(2) the tender of Sheffield Countryside Conservation Trust in the sum £35,850.89 is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly;
(3) the tender of Earth Anchors in the sum £1,612 is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly;
(4) the tender of Sheffield Tree Care in the sum £400 is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly; and
(5) the tender of Pushkin Signs in the sum £1,700 is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly.
Decision taken by the Director of Finance & Commercial Services or his nominee under the authority delegated by Strategy and Resources on 12/10/2022
For further information regarding the decision, please see Appendix 1:
For further information regarding the project, please contact Ruth Bell.
Lead officer: Liz Gough
Competitive restricted tender procedure with SSQ is initiated to secure a Contractor to complete the pavilion refurbishment works.
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial Services
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 02/03/2023
The tender of Zenith Developments Group Ltd in the sum £1,462,710.50 is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly.
Decision taken by the Director of Finance & Commercial Services or his nominee under the authority delegated by Cooperative Executive on 20/04/2022.
For further information regarding the decision, please see Appendix 1:
For further information regarding the project, please contact Tammy Barrass.
Lead officer: Liz Gough
Mini competition via the Football Foundations AGP framework agreement for the AGP pitch replacement works.
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial Services
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 02/03/2023
The tender of Lano Sports in the sum £822,484.62 is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly.
Decision taken by the Director of Finance & Commercial Services or his nominee under the authority delegated by Cooperative Executive on: 20/04/2022
For further information regarding the decision, please see Appendix 2:
for further information regarding the project, please contact Tammy Barrass.
Lead officer: Liz Gough
Contractor is selected via a restricted procedure, with the use of a Standard Selection Questionnaire (SSQ) to develop a suitable tender shortlist.
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial Services
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 02/03/2023
The tender of Horticon Ltd in the sum £3,311,671.34 is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly.
Decision taken by the Director of Finance & Commercial Services or his nominee under the authority delegated by Cooperative Executive on 25/08/2021.
For further information regarding the decision, please see Appendix 1:
For further information regarding the project, please contact Ruth Bell.
Lead officer: Liz Gough
Contract award to Sheffield Countryside Conservation Trust by call off an existing contract.
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial Services
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 02/03/2023
That the tender of Sheffield Countryside Conservation Trust in the sum £5,210 is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly.
Decision taken by the Director of Finance & Commercial Services or his nominee under the authority delegated by Cooperative Executive on 04/05/2022
For further information regarding the decision, please see Appendix 1:
For further information regarding the project, please contact Ruth Bell.
Lead officer: Liz Gough
Contract award to HAGS for the supply of play equipment via competitive quote.
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial Services
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 02/03/2023
That the tender of HAGS in the sum of £39,000 be accepted and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly.
Decision taken by the Director of Finance & Commercial Services or his nominee under the authority delegated by Strategy and Resources on 05/07/2022
For further information regarding the decision, please see Appendix 1:
For further information regarding the project, please contact Ruth Bell.
Lead officer: Liz Gough
Call off from SCC corporate contract with Keltbray.
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial Services
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 02/03/2023
The tender of Keltbray Ltd in the sum of £39,000 be accepted and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly.
Decision taken by the Director of Finance & Commercial Services or his nominee under the authority delegated by Strategy and Resources on 05/07/2022
For further information regarding the decision, please see Appendix 1:
For further information regarding the project, please contact Ruth Bell.
Lead officer: Liz Gough
Call off from the Non-Highways MTC.
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial Services
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 02/03/2023
That the tender of EC Surfacing in the sum of £52,629.77 be accepted and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly.
Decision taken by the Director of Finance & Commercial Services or his nominee under the authority delegated by Cooperative Executive on 16/03/2022
For further
information regarding the decision, please see Appendix 1:
For further information regarding the project, please contact Ruth Bell.
Lead officer: Liz Gough
Variation to current contract with RF Joinery for the Leah’s Yard Phase 1 agreement
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial Services
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 02/03/2023
That the tender of RF Joinery and Shopfitting Limited in the sum £6,097,040.36 is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly.
Decision taken by the Director of Finance & Commercial Services or his nominee under the authority delegated by Cabinet on 27/08/2020
For further information regarding the
decision, please see Appendix 1:
For further information regarding the project, please contact Tom Finnegan-Smith.
Lead officer: Liz Gough
Contract award to Amey Hallam Highways under Schedule 7 of Streets Ahead PFI (Non-Core).
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial Services
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 02/03/2023
That the tender of Amey Hallam Highways in the sum £33,071 is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly.
Decision taken by the Director of Finance & Commercial Services or his nominee under the authority delegated by Cooperative Executive on 25/08/2021
For more information regarding the decision: See Appendix 1
For more information regarding the project, please contact Tom Finnegan-Smith.
Lead officer: Liz Gough
Contract award to Amey Hallam Highways under Schedule 7 of Streets Ahead PFI (Non-Core).
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial Services
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 02/03/2023
That the tender of Amey Hallam Highways in the sum £151,777 is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly.
Decision taken by the Director of Finance & Commercial Services or his nominee under the authority delegated by Strategy and Resources on 12/12/2022.
For further information regarding the decision, please see Capital Approvals Arundel Bus Gate:
For further information regarding the project, please contact Tom Finnegan-Smith.
Lead officer: Liz Gough
Open Competitive process.
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial Services
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 02/03/2023
That the tender of RF Joinery and Shopfitting Limited in the sum £6,097,040.36 is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly.
Decision taken by the Director of Finance & Commercial Services or his nominee under the authority delegated by Cooperative Executive on 25/08/2021
For further information regarding the decision, please see Appendix 1:
For further information regarding the project, please contact Sean McClean.
Lead officer: Liz Gough
Contract award to Amey Hallam Highways under Schedule 7 of Streets Ahead PFI (Non-Core).
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial Services
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 02/03/2023
That the tender of Amey LG in the sum £28,000 is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly.
Decision taken by the Director of Finance & Commercial Services or his nominee under the authority delegated by Strategy and Resources on 23/02/2023
For further details regarding the decision: See Appendix 1:
For further details regarding the project, please contact Tom Finnegan-Smith.
Lead officer: Liz Gough
Contract award to Amey Hallam Highways under Schedule 7 of Streets Ahead PFI (Non-Core).
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial Services
Decision published: 07/01/2025
Effective from: 02/03/2023
That the tender of Amey LG in the sum £28,000 is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly.
Decision taken by the Director of Finance & Commercial Services or his nominee under the authority delegated by Strategy and Resources on 23/02/2023
For further decisions regarding the decision: See Appendix 1:
For further information regarding the project, please contact Tom Finnegan-Smith.
Lead officer: Liz Gough
Contract award to Amey Hallam Highways under Schedule 7 of Streets Ahead PFI (Non-Core).
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial Services
Decision published: 06/01/2025
Effective from: 02/03/2023
That the tender of Amey LG in the sum £47,000 is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly.
Decision taken by the Director of Finance & Commercial Services or his nominee under the authority delegated by Cooperative Executive on 25/08/2021
For further information regarding the decision: See Appendix 1
For further information regarding the project, please contact Tom Finnegan-Smith.
Lead officer: Liz Gough
Contract award to Amey Hallam Highways under Schedule 7 of Streets Ahead PFI (Non-Core).
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial Services
Decision published: 06/01/2025
Effective from: 02/03/2023
That the tender of Amey LG in the sum £39,589 is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly.
Decision taken by the Director of Finance & Commercial Services or his nominee under the authority delegated by Cooperative Executive on 25/08/2021
For further information regarding the decision: See Appendix 1
For further information regarding the project, please contact Tom Finnegan-Smith.
Lead officer: Liz Gough
Contract award to Amey Hallam Highways under Schedule 7 of Streets Ahead PFI (Non-Core).
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial Services
Decision published: 06/01/2025
Effective from: 02/03/2023
That the tender of Amey LG in the sum £1,700 is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly.
Decision taken by the Director of Finance & Commercial Services or his nominee under the authority delegated by Cooperative Executive on 25/08/2021
For further information regarding the decision: See Appendix 1
For further information regarding the project, please contact Tom Finnegan-Smith.
Lead officer: Liz Gough
Contract award to Amey Hallam Highways under Schedule 7 of Streets Ahead PFI (Non-Core).
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial Services
Decision published: 06/01/2025
Effective from: 02/03/2023
That the tender of Amey LG in the sum £38,200 is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly.
Decision taken by the Director of Finance & Commercial Services or his nominee under the authority delegated by Cooperative Executive on 25/08/2021
For further information regarding the decision: See Appendix 1:
For further information regarding the project, please contact Tom Finnegan-Smith.
Lead officer: Liz Gough
Contract award to Amey Hallam Highways under Schedule 7 of Streets Ahead PFI (Non-Core).
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial Services
Decision published: 06/01/2025
Effective from: 02/03/2023
That the tender of Amey LG in the sum £33,000 is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly.
Decision taken by the Director of Finance & Commercial Services or his nominee under the authority delegated by Cooperative Executive on 23/06/2021
For further information regarding the decision: See Appendix 1:
For further information regarding the project, please contact Tom Finnegan-Smith.
Lead officer: Liz Gough
Decision Maker: Economic Development and Skills Policy Committee
Made at meeting: 12/12/2024 - Economic Development and Skills Policy Committee
Decision published: 06/01/2025
Effective from: 12/12/2024
8.1 |
Members considered a report of the Executive Director, City Futures which provided an update to the Committee on Business Sheffield’s focus and progress in supporting the implementation of the Race Equality Commission (REC) report recommendations. It followed up on a report presented to Committee in 2022, which outlined Business Sheffield’s progress toward the REC actions, and included an update on the specific action to establish a diverse and inclusive Sheffield Business Board for the city. |
8.2 |
RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Economic Development and Skills Policy Committee:-
- Note and endorse the performance update on the progress of Business Sheffield in meeting the recommendations and actions from the Race Equality Commission Final Report dated July 2022 |
8.3 |
Reasons for Decision |
8.3.1 |
To note the Business Sheffield focus and progress in supporting the implementation of the REC report recommendations for business in the last two years following the REC report submitted to Committee in November 2022. |
8.3.2 |
To note the progress of the Diverse Business Advisory Board in the first year of its delivery, culminating in Business Sheffield’s recognition for this work, and being awarded Equality and Diversity Champion Award at the Business Awards 2024. |
8.4 |
Alternatives Considered and Rejected |
8.4.1 |
The ‘Do Nothing’ option was discounted two years ago when Business Sheffield pledged to develop a more diverse Business Board for the city and to continue to meet the business recommendations of the REC by tailoring its support and taking it out into Sheffield’s diverse communities. To not follow through on the work already undertaken by supporting this part of the Commissions feedback and recommendations would pose a reputational risk for Business Sheffield and for the Council more generally in meeting the specific recommendation and its contribution to the wider overarching theme of becoming an antiracist city. |
Decision Maker: Economic Development and Skills Policy Committee
Made at meeting: 12/12/2024 - Economic Development and Skills Policy Committee
Decision published: 06/01/2025
Effective from: 12/12/2024
9.1 |
The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, City Futures. The report provided an update on the impact and outcomes of the 2024 Tramlines Festive and Fringe at Tramlines events. |
9.2 |
Members asked questions around how to improve access to the event for different communities, how possible it was to quantify the impact of the event beyond those contained within the report and how to use the success of Tramlines to increase the number of events hosted in Sheffield. The Service Manager for Major Events stated that they would introduce Members to the Tramlines team to discuss increasing engagement with the event, that they were continuing to consider new ways to analyse the impact of the event and that Sheffield’s reputation as a place to hold events was essential to increasing the number and range of future events in Sheffield. |
9.3 |
RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Economic Development and Skills Policy Committee:
- Notes the contents of the report - Notes and endorses the continued support of the Tramlines Festival and the Fringe at Tramlines - Notes the continued contribution of the festival to Sheffield’s economy - Notes the continued benefits of the festival to the local community, including those involved in the festival |
9.4 |
Reasons for Decision |
9.4.1 |
Committee is asked to note the work carried out by Sheffield City Council, Tramlines festival organisers and Sheffield City Council’s strategic and operational partners. Together they will continue to drive further impact benefits from these two major events. |
9.4.2 |
Alternatives Considered and Rejected |
9.4.3 |
Alternative Option 1: Do Nothing This option was rejected as Committee would not have received a report setting out the impact of both festivals on the city’s economy and community groups across Sheffield. The Committee would not have been aware of the benefits both these events bring to the city of Sheffield. |
Decision Maker: Economic Development and Skills Policy Committee
Made at meeting: 12/12/2024 - Economic Development and Skills Policy Committee
Decision published: 06/01/2025
Effective from: 12/12/2024
46.1 |
The Committee received a report from the Director of Finance and Commercial Services which provided an update on the Q2 outturn position for Sheffield City Council’s revenue budget for 2024/25. |
46.2 |
RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: That the Economic Development and Skills Policy Committee:
1. Note the updated information on the 2024/25 Revenue Budget Outturn as described in this report including the detailed committee budget monitoring information and management actions provided |
46.3 |
Reasons for Decision |
46.3.1 |
To formally record changes to the Revenue Budget |
46.4 |
Alternatives Considered and Rejected |
46.4.1 |
The Council is required to both set a balance budget and to ensure that in-year income and expenditure are balanced. No other alternatives were considered. |
Contract award to Amey Hallam Highways under Schedule 7 of Streets Ahead PFI (Non-Core).
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial Services
Decision published: 06/01/2025
Effective from: 02/03/2023
That the tender of Amey LG in the sum £32,176.57 is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly.
Decision taken by the Director of Finance & Commercial Services or his nominee under the authority delegated by Cooperative Executive on: 25/08/2021
For further information regarding the decision: See Appendix 1:
For further information regarding the project, please contact Tom Finnegan-Smith.
Lead officer: Liz Gough
Contract award to Amey Hallam Highways under Schedule 7 of Streets Ahead PFI (Non-Core).
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial Services
Decision published: 06/01/2025
Effective from: 02/03/2023
That the tender of Amey LG in the sum £60,681 is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly.
Decision taken by the Director of Finance & Commercial Services or his nominee under the authority delegated by Cooperative Executive on: 25/08/2021
For further details regarding the decision: See Appendix 1:
For further details of the project, please contact Tom Finnegan-Smith.
Lead officer: Liz Gough
Contract award to Amey Hallam Highways under Schedule 7 of Streets Ahead PFI (Non-Core).
Decision Maker: Director of Finance and Commercial Services
Decision published: 06/01/2025
Effective from: 02/03/2023
That the tender of Amey LG in the sum £59,353 is accepted; and Letters of Acceptance are issued accordingly.
Decision taken by the Director of Finance & Commercial Services or his nominee under the authority delegated by Cabinet on: 18/03/2020.
For further information regarding the decision: See Appendix 1:
For further information regarding the project, please contact Tom Finnegan-Smith.
Lead officer: Liz Gough