ePetition details

Objection to the removal of 3 mature TPO trees on land adjacent to 2 Moorbank Drive, S10 5TH for a proposed development

We the undersigned petition the council to object to the planning application 23/01906/FUL, the erection of a detached dwelling and subsequent felling of 3 mature trees which have Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) attached.

These lovely mature trees have contributed to the beauty of the community and added greatly to the biodiversity over many years. It would be a catastrophic loss to lose them at the expense of one single dwelling. Please also register your objection at the Sheffield Council Planning portal, referencing 23/01906/FUL by 8th November 2023

Started by: Marika Szabo

This ePetition ran from 26/10/2023 to 05/12/2023 and has now finished.

52 people signed this ePetition.