Objections based on the following...
1. Over development & lack of local infrastructure: The number of dwellings far exceeds the recommended number in the Sheffield Draft local plan, this recommendation is 14 houses.
2. Incompatibility with Surrounding Housing: The Height, style and design:The five-storey height of the blocks are not in keeping with the area.
3. Traffic: Carter Knowle Rd has already become increasingly busy since the new housing and school development. Adding significantly more dwellings will only add to this
4. Increased Air Pollution: There is daily stationary traffic on the road around school pick up & at both the top & bottom junctions of Carter Knowle Road. Adding extra traffic to this will serve only to pollute the air more.
5. Flooding risk - The existing sewerage and draining in the area already seems to struggle to cope with the surface water and underground springs/rivers. There is a private cess-pit that drains into a culverted stream beneath the site, raising concerns about potential damage and environmental impact.
6. Environmental and impact on local wildlife: The current dell which is an old quarry contains a habitat for a range of wildlife including but not limited to badgers, foxes & owls
7. Lighting - any significant new development is just going to increase light pollution - not good for the environment for humans and wildlife alike. This is a sub-urban area and developments should be in keeping with this rather than trying to become more urban.
8. Crime/nuisance - Increasing the density of dwellings increases the risk and potential for crime and nuisance
9. Lack of Affordable Housing: The development does not propose any affordable housing units, despite Sheffield's urgent need. The absence of a developer's contribution to compensate for this is concerning
10. For such a major development proposal, little if any consultation or engagement has been attempted with the local community, relying instead only on due process. It feels therefore from the outset there is not a huge amount of thought given to how this development may be successfully integrated into a well established neighbourhood and community.
Started by: Gemma Prince
This ePetition ran from 12/12/2023 to 30/04/2024 and has now finished.
108 people signed this ePetition.