Overall, UK consumers drink 2.5 million litres of bottled water a year.
Just over half of the UK population, or 51%, drink bottled water once a week or more
In total, some 7.7 billion plastic bottles are bought across the UK each year, resulting in substantial amounts of single-use plastic waste.
Additional information: Health professionals tell us that the increased consumption of sugary drinks by children and young people is a significant factor in the alarming rise of obesity rates. Providing drinking water in parks and other places where children and young people play and congregate would be a great way to encourage hydration without damaging their health or the environment.
Started by: Greg Hewitt (Sheffield Action on Plastic)
This ePetition ran from 02/01/2024 to 31/12/2024 and has now finished.
20 people signed this ePetition.