Residents in the locality of Beeley Wood Salvage Depot object to the prosed expansion of the IBA reprocessing plant (Planning Ref 24/00920/FUL) because of significant increases in: -
• Fine dust / atmospheric pollution including PM10 &
PM2.5 particulate matter from storage silos and offloading
operations. Submitted plan does not include covered storage of the
open storage silos, is over reliant on subjective
‘visual’ monitoring which cannot prevent emissions to
atmosphere of the finer particulate matter. Winds will distribute
this into the Wadsley Park Village housing estate, but there are
also a number of sensitive receptors such as Schools and Nurseries
in the fall out zone.
• The spread and increase in height (from 8 to 12m) of the
open storage silos will cause significant degradation of public and
community visual amenity, across the valley from Worrall Lane
towards the Beeley Wood Ancient Woodland. No attempt to provide
screening from this aspect has been included.
• Nuisance noise by expanding weekday operating late into the
evening, and allowing operation on Sunday, removing the only day
when there is respite from heavy road traffic on the A6102.
• Expanded operating hours will increase light pollution from
the site in the winter months when tree cover is missing.
• Odour – worsening of the wet concreate smell hanging
around the public cycle path at the Beeley Wood end.
• HGV traffic movements along Clay Wheels Lane, adding to
pollution and road noise suffered by people living on the lane with
no management provision to minimise the ‘normal’
Leppings Lane heavy traffic at the crossroads and the chaos when
there is a football match.
Plans and consultant reports do not consider the cumulative health
and environmental impacts of many other dusty & noisy process
operations on Clay Wheels Lane, it is incumbent on the applicant to
take measures which prevent the additional pollution reaching a
tipping point.
Started by: Chris Rowan
This ePetition ran from 15/05/2024 to 26/08/2024 and has now finished.
67 people signed this ePetition.