ePetition details

No Ball Games

We the undersigned petition the council to Please instal a ‘no ball games’ notice/sign on Fleury Place

We have constant balls against vehicles/windows/garages and the constant ‘thudding’ on a daily basis!, there are elderly residents some quite poorly who have to put up with this, and on a narrow road where theres peoples cars parked on both sides, there has been damage to vehicles on the street from this also, people do have their own signs on garages, however they take zero notice, therefore i’m petitioning tor a sign placed at either end of the road on lamp posts or similar to make them take notice, before more damage and disturbance, theres a large area of field just down the toad they can play ball in!

Started by: Sarah Stocks

This ePetition runs from 11/09/2024 to 23/10/2024.

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