Issue details

Amendments to the Sheffield City Council Lettings Policy

Policy changes to introduce need for ID at point of joining housing register, for changing the criteria for applicants re-joining the housing register after being rehoused, to restrict applicants to appearing on one housing registration and changes to the eligibility rules for approved foster carers and adoptive parents.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 06/08/2015

Scrutiny Committee: Safer and Stronger Communities Scrutiny Committee;

Department: Communities

Contact: Janet Sharpe, Director of Housing Services Email: Tel: 0114 2735493.

Reason For Exemption If Public/Press Excluded During Consideration: N/A

Reason No Public Access: N/A

Date agenda documents available: 11/9/15

