Sheffield City Council is the lead agency in a partnership with Hull City Council and the British Refugee Council which has delivered the Gateway Protection Programme in Sheffield and Hull since 2011. The current programme ends in March 2017 and following a competitive tendering process the Home Office have offered the partnership a new four year contract, from April 2016 – March 2020.
The report seeks approval for the Council to enter into a new agreement with the Home Office to manage and deliver the Gateway Protection Programme over the course of the next four years.
Decision type: Committee
Reason Key: Expenditure/savings > £500,000;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Notice of proposed decision first published: 11/08/2016
Scrutiny Committee: Safer and Stronger Communities Scrutiny Committee;
Decision due: 13 Sep 2016 by Leader of the Council
Lead director: Executive Director, Communities
Department: Communities
Contact: Jonathan South, Service Manager - Supported Housing Email: Tel: 293 0883.
Date agenda documents available: 5/9/16