Issue details

Policy for Disposal of Land (to be aligned with Corporate Asset Management Plan)

This report sets out the Council’s policy on the disposal of Council owned land at less than the best consideration reasonably obtainable. The policy relates to both granting of leases assignment of any unexpired term on a lease that is not less than seven years, grant of easements and the disposal of freeholds.


Disposal of land and property held by public authorities can be contentious and it is important that officers are provided with guidelines for good governance to reduce the risk of allegations of impropriety and legal challenges.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Withdrawn

Notice of proposed decision first published: 19/01/2018

Scrutiny Committee: Economic and Environmental Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee;

Department: Place

Contact: Tammy Whitaker Email: Tel: 0114 2053230.

Date agenda documents available: TBC


  • Report of the Executive Director, Place