To award an extension of 6 months, by way of variation, to the existing contract to Sheffield Women’s Aid, the current provider of refuge accommodation in Sheffield, to continue to provide a service until a new service can be procured.
The key reason for the extension is to allow us time to respond to our new duties under the Domestic Abuse Act.
The extra time will ensure the provision of much needed refuge accommodation for women and children at risk of domestic abuse continues to be in place whilst a comprehensive needs assessment takes place, recommendations are made regarding the service requirements for the next five years and a tender process is undertaken requirements under the Public Contracting Regulations and Council Standing Orders, to procure new safe accommodation based on the need.
This issue was approved on 29th July 2021 and you can find the details here:
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 08/07/2021
Scrutiny Committee: Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee;
Department: People Services
Contact: Ann Ellis, Service Manager Email: