The care and support services delivered in Sheffield’s four contracted Extra Care Schemes are due to expire on the 20 October 2021. Due to the significant challenges of the pandemic and our ambition to develop the model of care further, we are seeking approval to extend the current contract while we develop the new service specification. We are therefore seeking approval for a 12 month contract extension.
The proposal is to extend the existing contract with Carewatch, who are the current care provider in the 4 contracted Extra Care schemes, by 12 months to 21 October 2022.
Decision type: Committee
Reason Key: Expenditure/savings > £500,000;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 24/08/2021
Scrutiny Committee: Healthier Communities and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee;
Decision due: 22 Sep 2021 by Co-operative Executive
Lead director: Director of Adult Services
Department: People Services
Contact: Sarah Swinburn Email:
Date agenda documents available: 14/9/21