Issue details

Secondary Mainstream School Expansions

Allocation of future Basic Need funding (secured from the DfE) combined with additional corporate resource support to address the increasing demand on secondary mainstream places in the southwest of the city.

Allocation required to support both permanent expansions in the South West and temporary expansions as required in other areas.


Decision type: Committee

Reason Key: Expenditure/savings > £500,000;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 15/10/2021

Scrutiny Committee: Children, Young People and Family Support Scrutiny Committee;

Decision due: 17 Nov 2021 by Co-operative Executive

Lead director: Executive Director, People Services

Department: People Services

Contact: Nicola Shearstone Email: Tel: 27 34041.

Date agenda documents available: 9/11/21


Agenda items


  • Report of the Executive Director, People Services