Issue details

Private Sector Leasing Scheme and Rough Sleepers Accommodation Programme (RSAP)

In Sheffield, over the previous year there have been 144 rough sleepers counted in the monthly headcounts. Of these 44 are of medium needs and 23 ready for move on accommodation. Each month there has been an average of 9 rough sleepers who are not repeats. We would therefore expect to see a further 108 new rough sleepers over the next year. We would expect based on the current picture that around 18 would need move on. We have also made an estimate that 6 people would be ready for move on who are currently in emergency accommodation based on a current snapshot.  The below shows the yearly estimates:
Year 1: 47
Year 2: 71
Year 3: 48
Year 4: 48
Year 5: 48


We propose that we will set up a Private Sector Leasing (PSL) scheme for 15 rough sleepers.

We know private landlords in Sheffield are keen to lease the council their property at Local Housing Allowance (LHA) rents of which the council can recover back a large amount of. We understand we will get 90% of the 2011 LHA rates as subsidy from Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) as subsidy.
Other costs are for private contractors for cleaning and repairs and maintenance of which a procurement and tendering exercise has taken place for a similar scheme which we can use as well for this model.
We will use the Council’s Furnished Team to furnish the properties and replace furniture from them too if required. We are requesting funds for 2 x Tenancy Support Workers for 15 units and not claiming for any other staffing costs but will cover additional costs for staffing within our current staffing structure. We have an existing PRS scheme and will utilise staff with experience and knowledge in the field to support this scheme. We will provide extra staffing resource ourselves to ensure the management, procurement of property, property inspections and monitoring of rents, contractors’ invoices and payments are all dealt with efficiently. We will draw on the Personalisation Fund funded by RSI 4 and if required we can use TSW from Housing First project who will have the relevant skills and experience to work with rough sleepers


This is a VFM model, and an option put forward by MHCLG. We have existing links with private landlords though the Private Rented Solutions team and we know they are keen on the PSL model.


Decision type: Committee

Reason Key: Expenditure/savings > £500,000;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 26/11/2021

This decision will be taken under urgency procedures.

Reason for urgency:
The deadline for Homes England to receive the signed contract is 23rd March 2022, they have stated that this should be received in London on that date, so we are already on “borrowed time” and that they cannot guarantee we will be able to keep the allocation.

Legal have stated that even if this decision in not subject to call-in, they guarantee they can carry out everything they need to on 23rd March 2022.

It is too much of a risk to leave the signing of the contract until the final date therefore I am requested to remove the call-in period.

Scrutiny Committee: Healthier Communities and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee;

Department: People Services

Contact: Jessica Senior Email:

Date agenda documents available: 08/03/22

